Good Morning everyone ...I hope you are all well and over the terrible weather we had last week ....well I'm half way through radiotherapy ...and I'm doing so well I was starting to feel a bit more " normal" and " positive" ...but yesterday I had an appointment with my oncologist ...the feeling of dread and fear came to me instantly over night.
don't be silly my husband said ..he is just going to check your well ....
so I went in the room ...he checked me and seemed quite happy ...nearly broke a smile which would have been all it took to ease my apprehension,
then he said ...well you've done all you can to stop this coming back but there is no guarantee in 7 ,,,to 8 years ,,you are a candidate for the ad aspirin trial ??? to give you added benefit ...he gave me some paper work about it ...told me to make my mind up before the end of radio treatment ....
I came away feeling stressed ....and broken ,,,,anyone else have any views on this trial?? I'm feeling doomed ...all over again