Morning everyone ...well one week of radiotherapy done only 2 weeks and 3 days left ....I'm feeling good ...quite emotional as I'm starting to look back on the journey and realised its been nearly a year since this all started to unravel did that happen ??? I am feeling a little sick and a tadge hot at times ...I don't know if that's the radiotherapy or something else ....ive got my hair back to black ..already ...but need to wait now for it to thicken up a bit, I'm only wearing my wig now and then and feeling happier about it all ...for anyone new on this forum, please don't be frightened, take one hurdle at a time and keep in touch with the lovely ladies on here. There is no way I would have got through without all the advise and friendship ....hope your all keeping warm and safe lots of love Jane xxxx
Radiotherapy ..end of my journey .. - My Breast Cancer ...
Radiotherapy ..end of my journey ..

Hi, Jane. so glad your nearly at your journeys end. I too am 2years our from my radiotherapy, it seems like a dream now. I did not go through chemo, but had a lumpectomy with 15 radiotherapy sessions. Your right about keeping in touch, only people who share this journey understand, although friends and family can be a fantastic support. I hope you continue to thrive, big hugs and love to you. Louise22 (Pauline xx)
Well done 😊 I have finished all my treatments, chemo and radio therapy, and just sat here today thinking yesterday was a year ago I had my second operation to remove lymph nodes as traces of cancer was found in the node the removed when I had the mastectomy. I cannot believe where that year has gone. I'm going for my yearly mammogram Tuesday which is going to be a little weird only having the one breast. I too suffers badly with hot flushes but that due to the Tamoxifen drug I have to take. The next 2 weeks will fly by, keep in touch. Love to all you brave lovely ladies xxxxx
It’s almost a year since I finished rad. I found that it to be emotional and personal because unlike chemo, people are touching you and the marks were a daily reminder. Continue to be brave, you’re almost done!
Well done on getting to the final part of your treatment, hope you have got some nice treats lined up for when you finish, I wish you well in the future xx