Hi I have had pain in my breast for about 6 weeks I had a mammagram and was told I needed a scan they could see something on the right breast I was then told I might need a biopsy but after they did the scan I was told it was a blocked milk duct and it was fine a friend of mine had the same but then went on to develop breast cancer should I be worried
worried: Hi I have had pain in my... - My Breast Cancer ...

Try not to worry, although I know it is very hard. I had breast cancer and felt no pain at all. As long as they are checking up on you that's good. Also keep checking yourself regularly, and if you are still worried go back to your Dr. Hope everything turns out well for you x x x
I don't know anything about blocked milk ducts. Is there anything you can do to unblock it? Maybe go back to your GP and ask the question. I would have thought there was something you could do - maybe massage of some sort. Hope it sorts itself out soon.

Thank you I think I will ask the GP.
I had no pain & no lump & still had breast cancer so keep up with any checkups, good luck 💞. I had blocked milk ducts under my arm years ago the doctor told me when in bath or shower use hit water on a sponge & wipe down the are at work for me good luck 😘💖
Hi, 18 years ago my mum didn't tell me at time but she had a lump in breast and went for tests, mammogram etc...and it turned out to be blocked milk duct, never had breast cancer then or since xx
Bless you that has made me feel a lot better.
If you want to be sure I would get a thermography . Better than a mamagram any day and unlike biopsies it will not spread cancer if it is there. Insurance may not pay for it but it only cost a few hundred dollars and is worth the peace of mind.
Thank you