Hi it's me and have been trying too figure out how too reach you on here I'm not very good with the computer but id really like to hear from you again. your name on here is Warden59. Please contact me.
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Looking for my friend

dawn48 the user you are looking for has shown no activity for 2 months but you could try hyperlinking to the name by typing an @ symbol followed by the username and selecting it from the drop down list that appears below the comment box - it will then turn blue, as your name has here, and that should send an email once you press the submit button. This might be more likely to attract attention.
Hi there, you can also send a private message to your friend by clicking on the message button, that way the message goes to them directly.xxx
does that go to email as well as the message board? I wasn't sure hence why, since the friend hadn't been around for a couple of months, I suggested the way I knew would.
I'm not sure
It depends on how someone has got their settings set - mine sends me an email when someone sends me a personal message or replies to my messages within the community page (e.g. I just got an email telling me that I had a reply from you)...so in theory if you send a personal message this will also trigger an email if the person has this in their account settings. xxx
I know that you get an email if someone responds to a comment or post or has hyperlinked your name. I just wasn't sure about personal messaging as I've only heard tell of the drop down list getting a marker. I suppose that it only makes sense that the system should treat all messages the same, personal or otherwise. Thanks for the response.
What message button? where can i find that?
Right, vwel and I have just had a messaging conversation and an email came to my inbox so, if warden59 's settings are the same as mine (and it looks like it is a default setting) then your friend should get notification of the message by email in the same way you got one for this message. Since I hyperlinked the name, one message will already be on its way.
Now... are you OK at sending a private message?