I am still working and honestly would like to stop for two main reasons; Fatigue, body aches and pains and my non compassionate boss who thinks if and when I take off a day here and there because I do not feel well, I am committing an unforgivable sin. She is riding me all the time and honestly it is just getting to stressful. I am looking for advice on how I can gracefully exit and still have my healthcare insurance, that is my biggest stumbling block. I just turned 63 so I am eligible to retire. ANYONE out there who can give me advice?
LOOKING FOR A WAY OUT: I am still... - My Breast Cancer ...

I had a terrible boss like that.. led to no sleep. I am 62..Anyway… you just have to not work for 6months and then you can get SSDI but… and you will be paid out as if you retired at 67. As soon as you haven’t worked for 6 months you will be appreoved for Disability as MBC is in the list for auto disability and then at what ever age you are you get Medicare. I have been on it one year already. Do it! Get rid of that bad boss!
No short or long term disability, I don't know what I was thinking.
Speak with your HR department and ask for FMLA papers, it won't be your full pay, but it should protect your insurance for 3 months.
Yeah, unfortunately it is on the anniversary of the 1 year. But you can get the papers ready to put in for that day. Hugs!