Hi, like some of you this is my first time. Routine mammogram in jean this year 3days later recalled to see dr. Biopsies done and confirmed grade 2 cancer. Op for wide excision biopsy on Thursday coming. Hopefully all will be cleared and second op will not be warranted. Radiotherapy to follow, don't know for how long and then tamoxifen. Don't quite know how I'm feeling at the moment. Told me children last weekend and my mum this weekend. Hubby is a brick. So playing the waiting game. All credit to the mammographer for picking it up as it wasn't palpable. A year down the line and everything would have been worse.
Diagnosed 10/02/16: Hi, like some of... - My Breast Cancer ...
Diagnosed 10/02/16
Unfortunately the waiting is the worst time of all fir me. When you are having treatment, you feel happier as you know something is doing good. Hopefully you will not have to wait too long for your results and it sounds as though you have good support around you. I found that my family and friends were brilliant and have kept me going. Keep positive xx
Thanks Chrissie. I am so lucky with my family support. Yes Thursday sees the start of the next round. You take care too. M
Hi there I was dianosed August had lumpothy in September than they found more tisues 2 mil so had another operation November. Only to be told they found two more tumours so went ahead and had masectomy Christmas. They said they had got the lot and as my tisue was sent to oncotypeDX course it came back that I don't need chemo just 15 sessions of radio theropy and tomofoxion for five years. I have not had the family support. Financial is dyer as don't get sick pay. But I have amazing freinds who have pulled through. I am looking forward getting through this staying positive and strong x
I was told that the doctors suggest Tamoxifen for ten years nowadays and Anastrozole for five. Has it gone back to how it was sometime ago?
I was told 10 years but I thought that was due to my age and not gone through menopause I'm 53
Yes I'm on tamoxifen also, only 3 weeks in with it but given for 10 years and explained because of my age, 35, premenopausal and government guidelines changed to state that we should be given it for 10 not 5 xx
I've found that it's my friends that have pulled me through this (as well as my daughter) my diagnosis came 2 days before the end of a very nasty divorce so was glad to see back of 2015 in more ways than one. My 2 sisters live 30 mins from me but have made no effort to contact me or help in anyway - that's family for you. My friends have been there every step of the way though and I couldn't have wished for more support. They made sure I had someone with me at every appointment if my daughter wasn't able to be there. That's true family. So glad you have your friends around you, that's what gets you through.
You can choose friends but not family! But maybe they're not so strong as you are, perhaps they are more afraid of it than you are. You've faced like all the other women -head on. Maybe they feel they don't know how to support you - try again. Good luck and take care. Keep positive

Thank you I think you're probably right, not everyone is as strong. I thank God that I am.
Great that you have fantastic, supportive and understanding friends. M
Same as you 2 years on. Just a little fatter (Femara). Take care be strong x
Thanks. M
Thank you
Hi there,
This is exactly what happened to me in September last year. I've had 2 surgeries and finished my radiotherapy treatment in January. I'm on Tamoxifen for 10 years! They say they got ALL the lump and the surrounding 'margin' was clear even tho they did a 2nd op as they weren't quite sure about the margin of healthy tissue, but it was clear thank god. I'm suffering badly with side effects of the tamoxifen but i see my oncologist a week tomorrow (1st March) and will discuss help that I hope is out there for the side effects.
I appreciate too that my routine mammogram picked this up as it would have been 3 years before the next one.......and my story would not have a happy ending.
Off course I fear for it returning but i'm about to go back to work in a couple of weeks and try and stay positive and get life back on track. This changes you, there's no doubt. Hang in there, you have the support of your hubby, I went through all this alone and it's so hard for people to understand the emotions you'll go through.
take care hope things all turn out good for you.
Thanks for your time to reply. You never think these things can happen to you but they do. Yes I'm lucky to have family around me. Will find out more info about radiotherapy and time span on Thursday hopefully. What side affects do you suffer from tamoxifen. M

check out my comments on the other post......am struggling with the awful 'power surges' (AKA hot flushes) and joint pain, these are the 2 main everyday side effects I have and they are unrelenting. Am seeing my oncologist a week today and will discuss this with her as this is quite debilatating. But perhaps i've just been unlucky in as much as NOT everyone gets side effects!!
Radiotherapy is fine and now a month after finishing my treatment my boob is healing and losing the 'sunburnt' colouring it had from the rad. Just use the creams they give you.....every morning night and take some with you and apply immediately after treament cos i'm sure thats helped my boob to heal!!
take care
Blue x
They never gave me any cream when I had my RT I used after sun lol doc said keep it up if was doing the trick!!✊
Hi, how soon did you start radiotherapy after surgery?
Mine too was picked up by routine mammo in 2014 good luck for Thursday you'll be fine although it's a worrying time for you all x
Be strong hun glad it was caught early take all the support you can get I was in your shoes 10yrs ago lost my mum and dad in that year too but I,m still here still not letting it win✊🙌✌xx
Sounds like my recent journey. Start my radiotherapy on 17 March. I have been given Letrozole as I'm post menopausal and should be taking it for five years. Am I unusual in saying the treatment is actually worse than the disease? Mine was discovered early after a mamogram I was sent a year early. I count myself very lucky. Apart from being really tired and a stiff arm after having my lymph nodes removed I have had no othet symptoms and presented with no lump. Began as DCIS but turned out to be invasive. Feel like a fraud saying I am a survivor!
No fraud..
You met it head on and now the journey begins, difficult but you're managing
Hi. This sound bit like my journey. As you had lymph nodes removed does that mean you had cancer in the sentinel node? If so did you have radiotherapy also or chemo? Thanks. Lesley
Hi Lesley, I had one of my sentinel nodes affected out of the 3 taken so had 6 x FEC chemo and radiotherapy (had them all removed with my mastectomy, thankfully the rest were all clear). I was given the choice of having radio but decided to throw everything I could at it..
Have you had treatment yet?
Nix x
Not yet getting results tomorrow and treatment recommended. I just dont get why they checked only first 2 nodes and only first had cancer yet they took all axillary nodes out whilst i was still under.
My consultant explained to me why he recommended I have an auxiliary clearance. He made it clear after my results were cancer free that it’s done for a reason as can sometimes miss a few close to the one that had cancer, yet still spread further into the nodes, as there is no set route cancer cells take. Personally am glad I had it done, have kept active so lymphodema minimal at the mo. Assume then you weren’t consulted? I would deffo ask as think they should have discussed the possibility of an auxiliary clearance with you x
The registrar tried to explain it just beforei was due to go to theatre. Ie it was at point i had ro sign form. It was not mentioned before so i could noteven look into it to consider whether i should agree or not. It seems more if a saving time and cost thing as they only took two nodes to check whilst i was under anaesthetic. I felt i just had to agree as when i asked quedtions about ut yo try understand the registrar said d simething like " so uou not agrering to have thus then" and n a way tgat made it seem like i wouldnt have the op at all and i just had to guve in and accept it. The discomfort in my arm pit since i had desin out on day 7 post op with s getting unbearable
Poor you, yes the arm pit pain is the worse and takes longer to fade... keep doing those exercises even if they hurt, do less if really bad though.. The discomfort and the itchy, painful, tickle sensation was awful for me, i was given some Gabapentin for a few days which helped enormously! It's the nerves trying to reattach themselves.. Ask for pain relief if necessary, you shouldn't suffer..
Unfortunately, we get bombarded with lots of info when we see our consultants, I have to take my husband with me as I never remember what's said, maybe it was mentioned before so they assumed you were aware, either way, i'd mention that you felt rushed in your decision.
As I said don't suffer or fret, ring your bcc nurse and have a chat she should be able to help you,
take care,
Nix x
Thanks again. Spoke to bcc nurse earlier and she just said keep taking paracetamol. I did tell her it doesnt work though. Seems tome they cant understand how it feels and how paracetamol may not work. My concern now though is all medicine is harmful as i now realise antidepressants taken for anxiety may well have led to bc and i just want to quit taking anythingespecisllthe sertraline. Seitched from paroxatine as i am convinced that caused my bc
Mine was stress (and probably hereditary, my mum and aunts died of BC but older sister OK at the mo so maybe not). Meds are crap, hate taking tamoxifen, but know its benefits will outweigh the negatives for me.. the pain from node removal is horrid and after having a mastectomy with no nodes removed know that is the worst bit of it... if your bcc nurse is pants, can you see your GP? They may be more understanding?
You ARE a survivor we are the lucky ones!!! Rest when you're tired keep up with your post op exercises to keep your arm supple ready for your RT and hopefully you,ll sail through it 🙌 good luck and stay positive ✊xxx