hi all I'm pretty new to this and just want to get some first hand answers a few weeks ago when I started my new job I started getting really bad travel sickness I thought because I had abit of a stuffy nose/cold that it might just be encouraging the travel sickness but no! The Cold went away the travel sickness got worse to the point where I actually had to get off the bus and walk about 3 miles home. I have never had travel sickness in my life. It's still there now just I'm always feeling abit off and a little queezy but it doesn't help that this cold is back again! My hips have also been really hurting over the past week now I'm having to sleep with a pillow between my legs I'm exactly a week late and my breasts have only just begun to start hurting should I test? My next question is can pregnancy bring on really bad travel sickness? Or has anyone else experienced this first hand instead of your usual morning sickness symptom?