As I have developed a stooped bent back owing to spinal fratures, rheaumatiod arthritis, recent hip replacement can anyone recommend a back brace or a posture corrector ,there are so many on line hard to choose especially if you don't know what your looking for ,can anyone help I also have spinal stenosis,I can't do excerise because unbelievabley I have torn my rotary cuffs ,I can't lift arms up
Posture corrector: As I have developed... - Bone Health and O...
Posture corrector

If I were you I would speak to your GP and ask them to refer you to a physiotherapist or someone who can advise you about that sort of thing and get you something to suit your own needs rather than try to find something from a catalogue. All of our bodies are different in their own funny little ways so I’m not sure it is something that anyone else could advise you on.
Umm I see what you mean
I agree Fruitandnutcase I have already lost almost 4 inches in height and my mother had kyphosis due to her spine crumbling ( she lost almost 9 inches in height) so I spoke to my physio on how I could avoid the same. She gave me exercises to do which help me but asking your GP or if you have a physio asking them for advice would be the best route to go. Alice70 Hope you get help asap.
Hi Alice70, I have a bent back due to 8 spinal fractures as was finding it hard to stand up. My consultant recommended a Spinomed active brace which he prescribed for me, it is made to measure and I had to be measured by the appliance department at my local hospital. It doesn’t straighten you back it just supports your spine and abdomen and makes it less painful. I find I can now do a lot more and am able to walk further. I will send you a picture you can look them up on the internet, as mine was prescribed it didn’t cost me anything. Hope this information is useful and you can get some help
Can you fully straighten out, even if only for a few seconds? I cannot and for this reason the posture correctors I tried were useless. They only served as a reminder to straighten out. But that only makes sense if you have the strength and flexibility to do that on your own and just need a prod to keep that good posture going. The devices cannot actually correct your posture, despite the name.
I have Kyphosis from decompression fractures. I do exercises stretches everyday to keep my spine as flexible as possible. From my understanding whilst I can improve my posture I won’t ever have a straight spine again. I have asked about braces and other devices I’ve seen. My Physiotherapist told me not to waste my money. But we’re all different and mine is from Osteoporosis.
Mine is from osteoporosis to ,seeing phisio later today thank you for reply
Hi Pinky-6 my specialist consultation in osteoporosis recommended this brace it doesn’t straighten my back, it just supports it and stops my kyphosis from going any further
Please come back and tell us what phisio says
Sorry late answer something wrong with my set up ,there is nothing to tell really ,I went to see phisio with rotary cuff pain didn't get to be shown exercises as we were late for appiontment because of traffic, although I was with phisio 45 minutes by the time he had taken down everything there was know time for excerise, onother appiontment next week ,if I learn anything I will let you know
Hi Alice, So sorry to hear of your difficulties with Rotator Cuff also, that is very painful but surgery very effective, it was for me anyway.
I am curious to know that you have had a hip-replacement, successful I hope, as I have read that this procedure is very difficult with osteoporosis. My Consultant has described my own osteoporosis as 'severe' and I am having increasing problems with my hip which is very worrying if I am unable to have a replacement. I would be grateful to hear from anyone who has experienced similar.
Good luck Alice.
I have severe osteoporosis as my spine is crumbling and I had a hip replacement 2 years ago aged 78. Straightforward, no problems and driving my car again after 3 weeks.
Thank you so much for your prompt response which is very reassuring. I am 77yrs so we are similar in that respect. I fell out of bed following a nightmare in Feb of this year and incurred 3 spinal fractures. It has been a long road of healing and I hope to begin medication for the osteoporosis in a month or so. It is a relief to hear of your excellent hip surgery and subsequent recovery. thank you.
I had always believed that it was not possible to have a hip replacement because of osteoporosis. However, I recently had some hydrotherapy, the physiotherapist whose specialty was working with people who had HR’s. I asked him why I’d been told it’s not possible to have HR because of OP his reply has given me hope. He said it can be done, the recovery might be longer and the recovery exercises tailored to the patients needs. Hope this helps 😊
Hi ketchican ,it could have been me who wrote your post a few months ago like you I am 77 have rotary cuff complaints also three spinal fratures, and needed hip replacement, throw rheaumatiod I the bag ,about hip replacement ,I was so worried about having hip replacement as I thought my hip would fracture ,it is the best thing I did ,the first five weeks it was painful so I went to AE to have xray I was convinced I had fractured hip thank goodness I hadnt it was explained to me that hip replacement was perfect ,and that because I had osteoporosis it was a bit slower healing something to do with what ever is inside or bones was softer than a person's with out osteoporosis so the healing would take a few weeks longer ,I am twelve weeks on now no pain I have come on leaps and bounds best thing I have done ,I think when the surgeons know we have osteoporosis they are more careful good luck
Hi ~Alice, I am delighted to learn of your increased wellbeing since your surgery and it is so reassuring for those of us who may be faced with that surgery sooner rather than later. Funny that we have so much in common but great because there is a source of comfort when one realises that we are not alone. I had some difficulty in opening your mail today, not sure if it me and my limited technical prowess or something else - so many gremlins in software these days. Do keep us posted as to your development. Do you still have pain with your spinal fractures. I did mine 8 months ago but still have bad days when the pain is present. Ironically, this morning I did my balance exercises paying particular attention to the risks of falls and stepped into my study and immediately fell!! Gave my ribs a bashing but I think it is OK. It is horrible as we immediately fear the worst and think that there may be a fracture, it is sore but I think OK.
Take care and keep well.
I don't get pain in the small fractures which I did a few months before bigger frature this one I did 14 months ago ,yes I still get a lot of discomfort in this one I have to sit with cushion behind me ,I.e I was out yesterday used public toilets the doors were very heavy fire doors got home had to sit rest of day with cushion behind me,I have found any pulling starts discomfort of ,I'm always afraid of undoing healing ,take extra care when doing balancing excerise ,I'm sure the fall must have frightened you ,best wishes
Thank you Alice, sorry for the delay which is due to my system blocking some of the chat, overzealous virus catchers I think. Yes, I do find also that pulling heavy doors are a no-no and I have learned to ask for help now. The fall did shake me up a little but all well I think, a bit of bruising but with our track records, that is nothing!
Take care.
I too have had trouble with opening the mail 🤷🏼♀️
Hi, yes it is strange, it was fine when I first joined but lately has been impossible to open anything. Last evening hopeless but this morning it is working so I made up for lost time and was able to respond to those kind enough to contact me. This is such an important link for those of us who are left feeling scared and unsure where this osteoporosis journey is taking us and I really value the support and sharing amongst us. Take care