Just a moan if I may? Woke up 3 am a week ago to find I could not stand on my right foot atall, cannot bear any weight on it, total agony! X ( osteo) said probably plantar fasciitis but it was so bad it was obviously a break, presume spontaneous fracture due to OP. So I hobble about on 2 sticks, groaning, pain killers gave me gut rot plus already had bad nausea for weeks so up Omeprazole to 2 day. Did RICE except for compression as too painful, ibuleve etc. 😖
Fastest shower ever first time, more a hose down.Had to stop walking on ball of foot and toes as middle one broke as well, am ignoring him. Also a very painful?gland has come up above calf on same leg, been bitten on throat by monster beast, also on thumb and chin so look like the wicked witch with wart. 😁 My feet were the only things that worked, well mostly, now they've let me down too.🤯
Plopped off with all of it. ☹️ Still, improving slowly and I know there's many worse off so hugs to them, I must try self hugging... 🤔