Has anybody had bad results like neck shoulder and back pain on Denosumab.I am due for my 3rd injection and as I've had a lot of pain am a bit reluctant.
Seeing nurse 3rd sep.
Has anybody had bad results like neck shoulder and back pain on Denosumab.I am due for my 3rd injection and as I've had a lot of pain am a bit reluctant.
Seeing nurse 3rd sep.
I can't answer your question about pain, but want to make sure you're aware you can't just stop denosumab, or even delay an injection. It's essential to have the injections on time, and if that's not possible or you want to stop, you need to start a relay bisphoshonate medication, either AA or zoledronic acid, by the time your injection was due. This is to reduce the risk if rebound fractures.
Just wanted to let everyone know that we have information about denosumab on our website, you can find it here: theros.org.uk/information-a...
Hope you hear more from our wonderful members, Girlguides, feeling weary or nervous due to the pain as you mentioned is so understandable. Wishing you all the very best for your upcoming appointment.
Take care,
ROS Moderator
Hi! I can only speak for myself. I’ve been on six monthly injections of Denosumab for five or six years now and have had no problems at all. Only that on one occasion my vitamin D was low so I had to wait until that picked up to have the injection. That resulted in four more spinal fractures. I now have to have a blood test a month before I have the Denosumab to make sure it doesn’t drop again.
Thank you Mavary. I must be in fortunate with this in jection. The 2nd injection caused more pain than the first. I an going to discuss it with at the osioporosis clinic. I just wondered if anybody else had neck shoulder and back pain. Nice to hear from you.
Hi I would ring the Osteo Porosis group and also contact your Consultant. What agrees with one may not agree with another.
Yes, I had sudden onset of neck and left shoulder pain about two months after my second Prolia injection. Several trips to the chiropractor didn't make any difference and he was totally puzzled as to the cause. Eventually the pain stopped after about 2-3 months but I had relentless side effects until I realised the culprit was Prolia and stopped after the fourth injection.
Denosumab caused me to get high blood pressure, high cholseterol, plus aches and pains everywhere. I stopped it but found out later should have gone to another osteoporosis medication to stop rebound which was really bad. I refuse to go on it again. Bt the way my cholesterol and blood pressure is now normal and no more aches and pains. I am on the ONERO programme put together by Prof Belinda Beck from Griffith University and will be interested to see bone density after 12 months which will be March, 2025