Following on from Margaret’s post about a month ago, I’m writing on her behalf today because she is still very unwell from a virus that she picked up 3 weeks ago and since two days ago has had the added pain and shock to her system from 2 extractions ready for her much delayed Zoledronic acid infusion.
You may recall that her consultant at The Metabolic Bone Clinic ‘overlooked’ her follow on treatment after she finished a 2 year course of Forsteo.
Following a phone call from a different consultant and as promised by him, Margaret’s dental surgeon was contacted. We met with him and an appointment was made with him for March 19th to have 2 teeth out. He told us that a particular registrar had been repeatedly phoning the dental surgery that morning. We recognised the name as being the registrar who should have phoned or written to Margaret months ago. When we started our return journey home, Margaret’s phone started ringing. She was too upset to speak to anyone because she was dealing with the truth that the date for her dental work was very overdue.
As we got close to home, her phone rang for the 5th time from the same number and Margaret decided she was now ready to answer. Sure enough, it was the registrar. We both found the call upsetting as he was now so desperate to talk to Margaret. The call lasted 10 minutes and during that time he repeatedly was saying the word sorry. What we didn’t understand was exactly why he was sorry in other words he was being very apologetic but not explaining what went wrong. What we do know, is that he arranged a date for Margaret’s infusion just 2 days after her health review with her dental surgeon. Of course it never just rains but it pours. Due to illness , Margaret had to cancel the 19th March appointment and had her teeth removed on the 26th. That means the review date is later and the infusion date is too soon because her dental surgeon on seeing how weak she is, has extended the review from 8 to 10 weeks.
Already the knock on effect of the registrar’s failings is that Margaret’s infusion date will be close to a year after ending Forsteo.
If anyone has any words of comfort that she might yet still be safe, then I would love to pass them onto her. I know our dear friends have already answered and it is comforting just to be able to share this with you all.
Thank you again sincerely, Steve.
We both wish you all a peaceful Easter XX❤️👼🏻🙏🏻