just been down to the surgery to find out the results from my lumbar spine x-ray, the receptionist wouldn't print it off for me till the gp sees it but she said it says no lumbar spine fracture, and the x-ray I had for thoracic spine was there is a mild superior end-plate fracture at l1, otherwise normal vertebral alignment,,vertebral body height and disc height maintained, the posterior elements appear intact as far as can be assessed on plain film, it seems good but my dexa scan in 2022 says t12 I am still getting upper back pain after doing everyday things, I have tried to do very light weight training but it's hard, any help please.
x-ray results : just been down to the... - Bone Health and O...
x-ray results

How severe is your back pain? Does it stop you doing everyday tasks? I think at our age (I’m the same as you) we have to expect a certain degree of pain/discomfort day to day.
Sorry to hear you are still suffering, it could be worth getting an appointment with the gp to discuss and ask to be referred to pain management as they are better placed to request MRI scans and look into your pain as an X-ray isn’t very detailed so that would help shed some light for you and maybe get you some pain relief as well. I understand the struggles with gps I had to go private to get a pain management specialist otherwise I think it’s a long wait on the nhs. Thinking of you and I hope someone can help you soon x
thanks, I am waiting for gp to get in touch for a follow up regarding the results from my x-ray, at least my results say no lumbar spine fracture.
I hope they can help you if you need some pain relief but if you are getting breathless they might be more cautious with painkillers. Let me know how you get on with the gp, I have mine on Tuesday I’m pretty scared after last time but I will be stronger this time and not let her patronise me x