results from spinal x-ray,:h:thoracic... - Bone Health and O...

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results from spinal x-ray,:h:thoracic spine, :n:

Radars profile image
44 Replies

there is a mild superior end-plate fracture at l1, otherwise normal vertebral alignment, vertebral body height and disc height maintained, the posterior elements appear intact as far as can be assessed on plain film.anyone any thoughts on that.

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Radars profile image
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44 Replies
MyStar86 profile image

How did it go with your doctors appointment? Did they give you any advice with the bloods and the xray results? I hope it went well x

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMyStar86

gp phoned me last night and said l1 is lumbar spine, and that some of my bloods that were low are okand not in the danger zone, she has made me a face to face appointment with another gp to explain it all on Thursday, did you know that l1 is lumbar spine, so I may not need another x-ray.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply toRadars

Wow you do have some good gps being so on the ball and getting you appointments!! I’m still chasing mine about my medication. I just asked my mum as she is a radiographer and yes it’s goes Thoractic is T1 to T12 and lumber is L1 to L5 so that’s good you don’t need another xray and that the bloods are ok no need to supplement. Plus getting to talk face to face is helpful too x

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMyStar86

yeah done well when I see gp on Thursday l will ask about calcium supplement because blood test doesn't tell you properly how much calcium in bones and with me been on reclast.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply toRadars

That’s really good I’m scared of my gps I’m not even going to chase them anymore as it’s upsetting when they are horrible to me. I have my pain specialist tonight so I’m going to ask him to do a private prescription so this time I can actually get the right meds when I need them not weeks later and still not have them.

How do they test how much calcium is in your bones accurately if bloods don’t show it? How are you feeling pain wise are you able to still do all the things you want to do? Maybe ask your gp how your calcium levels are vs bloods prior to your infusion x

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMyStar86

I once reported a gp when I went to see him regarding my prostate cancer, as I was leaving I remembered something else when I got to the door, he then said hurry up I just walked out, I reported him to the surgery manager, 2 days later he phoned me up to apologize, I said I don't want to talk to you that's no way to treat cancer patients, he's still there but I won't see him,there is some good doctors and not so good.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply toRadars

Wow that’s awful I can’t believe you went through that but it’s good that you were strong and stood up to them as they think rhey are god sometimes and it’s upsetting as it’s our lives in their hands and they just don’t seem to care but well done you I wish I had the guts to do that but I’m too scared they will just be more horrible to me so I’m just trying to avoid them from now on it’s just a shame as it’s means paying a fortune for private prescriptions just to save the hassle but I would rather do that than go through my gp again when I told her I was in agony post major surgery she told me to buy myself some flowers to make me feel better!!!! I was livid and now she won’t even do the prescription my consultant has asked for it’s crazy but never mind that’s life I’m just glad you have a good doctor now x

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMyStar86

I would go mad if I didn't get the proper medication, have you heard of strontium citrate for osteoporosis I have been reading about people having good results.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply toRadars

No I haven’t heard of it but I will have a Google now you have mentioned it to see what I can find thank you as I don’t know if I will be having my 3rd infusion in January at this rate as I hurt enough already!!

Yeah that’s my gp but I’m hoping the pain specialist will be more helpful when he calls later as I need something and someone good to help x

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply toRadars

Just found this I know it’s the US but it does explain why DEXA results seem improved by taking it:

Three good reasons not to take strontium

Taking strontium supplements for any period of time is likely to make future bone density tests inaccurate. (Strontium may remain in the bones for as long as 7–10 years after the last dose.) Strontium has a chemical similarity to calcium and will replace calcium as the mineral in bone. Because strontium atoms are heavier than calcium atoms, swapping some of the calcium atoms with strontium atoms will make the bone mineral density appear to increase. This is not the same as making new bone. “Currently, we do not have a way to measure the false increase in bone density that results when you take a supplement or a medication that includes strontium.”[4]

Strontium citrate and strontium chloride are supplements and are not tested or regulated by the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA). You do not know the effectiveness of the supplements. You do not know what amounts your body is getting when you take these supplements. You also do not know whether they can seriously harm you.

Research from Europe suggests that patients on strontium ranelate may have an increased risk of heart attacks[1,3], blood clots,[1, 3] and serious skin reactions (DRESS syndrome)[3].

“…strontium is unlikely to have a net beneficial effect in osteoporosis and its use is declining as a consequence. It is not approved in the USA.“[3]

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMyStar86

strontium ranelate is dodgy I have been reading on Google people on strontium citrate have been taking it for a long time, I know it sounds to good but people get desperate and will try anything for relief. can't be much worse as osteoporosis drugs.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply toRadars

Ah I see that makes sense. I’m not keen on the herbal supplements I don’t take anything as I used to take all sorts and I’m sure they contributed to my bowel issues so now I keep well away from them all but if it helps I can see why people are trying it as the drugs we have are not exactly safe either x

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toRadars

It's funny. I've just come back from a lunch where I was sitting next to a retired doctor who asked what I had been offered for my six compression fractures. I said I take calcium religiously and he said there is an injection that you can get now that has good results; you should ask about it. Is that what it is - strontium citrate?

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMaggieSylvie

that's unusual I have got a gp appointment on Thursday I will ask about it, but you find different gps say different things, are you going to try it,I have had 1 reclast infusion up to now.

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toRadars

Ill have to try and get an appointment first. I had my annual medication review a few months ago with the surgery pharmacist and he basically left everything as it was without much discussion at all. Most of my lumbar vertebrae are collapsed (the latest only a month ago) and two thoracic. Six in all. I only take the calcium, not the alendronic acid. I took that for nine months and at a later dental appointment it was pointed out that my lower right teeth had risen! I've also got the swelling problem in my legs and just get told to elevate them but I can't elevate them enough. In any case, I haven't got someone runnng around doing the housework for me or driving my partner to his appointments.

I need to get my calendar onto my phone so that I can make appointments while I'm sitting in the car waiting. I think there is one there but the appointments I make on my laptop don't transfer to my phone. I really need someone to care about me.

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMaggieSylvie

how long have you had osteoporosis, I have just received my x-ray results mild superior end-plate deformity at l 1 when I had my dexa scan in2022 I was t12 not good, try and get your laptop and phone fixed together.

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toRadars

I haven't actually been diagnosed with osteoporosis. My DEXA scan showed that my bones were quite good for my age but I am 79 on Sunday and the likelihood is that I do have it regardless. I have had six fractures, the latest ones being an annual event and I am sick and tired of the pain with no help from my partner, even though L3 only happened four weeks ago and I have had little chance to rest up since then.

I have a different email address on my phone. It's really annoying. I've just added a couple of dates but I don't want to do everything twice. I have to do all the driving so appointments are double for me.

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMaggieSylvie

get in touch with the royal osteoporosis society and they will help you.

MaggieSylvie profile image
MaggieSylvie in reply toRadars

Oh, thank you Radars. I wouldn't have thought of that.

Sophiestree profile image
Sophiestree in reply toMyStar86

sorry to but in as I am a lurker normally but I think your GP or practice needs reporting to the GMC. If they are refusing to follow a consultant letter that is negligent. The fact you are lucky enough to be able to afford your medication is great, but not so for others. If you didn't want to go straight to the GMC you could write to the GP practice and inform them that is what you are planning on doing. Can you change GP's? This is not right at all and quite frankly dangerous.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply toSophiestree

Thank you that’s so kind of you and actually my consultant couldn’t do a private prescription as he called at 7:30pm and wasn’t at the hospital so he was very annoyed at my gp surgery and said he will write another letter and said he is happy to talk to them as he doesn’t understand why they are not prescribing the medication it’s very upsetting I don’t like chasing them as I’ve already sent multiple emails, a direct prescription request and telephoned multiple times and nothing. I’m giving it today then my mum is going to the surgery to complain in person and hopefully then I will have his second letter but I do agree it’s very wrong, they even messed up the repeat prescription putting the wrong dose and amount so I don’t have enough to do what my consultant said. It’s hard when you are in so much pain to think straight but with the holidays it’s even worse! Thank you again xx

Met00 profile image

It sounds like things aren't nearly as bad as you were previously led to believe!

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMet00

who are you replying to

Met00 profile image
Met00 in reply toRadars

Sorry, that was meant to be a reply to you!

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMet00

what do you mean things aren't as bad I was led to believe.

Met00 profile image
Met00 in reply toRadars

You said before that you had severe osteoporosis with a T12 fracture. Now you've been told it's a mild L1 fracture, with no loss of vertebral height or alignment. Still a fracture, I know, and I wasn't intending to minimise that, but spinal fractures can be so much worse. I hope this heals well and the pain goes away, and also that they've been able to identify and treat the cause of your osteoporosis.

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMet00

it says xr thoracic spine, it doesn't mention lumbar spine, is l1 the lumbar spine. I don't think the x-ray is correct because when I had my dexa scan, it was -2.5,4.1lumbar spine, bmd at femoral neck is0.593, vfa superior end-plate deformity at t12, don't know what to make of that I must be still t12

Met00 profile image

I would ask your GP to clarify. T12 is right next to L1, so it probably doesn't make much difference. The reassuring part is that it's a mild fracture with no apparent impact on the vertebra, which I assume means it's healed with no lasting damage.

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMet00

thanks, but I still get back pain after doing everyday things around the house, I have got a gp appointment on Thursday.

Met00 profile image
Met00 in reply toRadars

I get a lot of back pain, but it's not caused by fractures. When we injure ourselves (fracture or other injury), it can cause soft tissue damage and that can be the cause of ongoing pain. I hope your GP can give you some answers.

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMet00

thanks, I haven't injured myself ,when you have a fracture how do you know when it's healed, I have got to be careful to lift anything because I feel it in my back, when I see different gps they say different things it's confusing, I don't think they no much regarding osteoporosis.

Met00 profile image
Met00 in reply toRadars

Any kind of fracture is an injury. I don't know whether you can tell when a fracture has healed, though an x-ray gives an indication of this. I broke a toe 10 years ago, which was very slow to heal, though did eventually, but still get mild pain at times from the soft tissue damage that happened at the same time.

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMet00

thanks, just see what gp says on Thursday, oh I had a reclast infusion last April, haven't made my mind up regarding the 2nd

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply toRadars

Good luck for your appointment tomorrow I hope it goes well for you. Let me know how you get on I hope it’s something positive before the holidays as it’s impossible to get hold of doctors over Xmas etc xx

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMyStar86

yeah thanks, he's going explain my results I got, I will ask him if I need a calcium supplement, and if it will be ok to have a couple of drinks over Christmas,

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply toRadars

Let him know the side effects you had from the previous calcium supplement if he does say you need one just to save you getting the same problems again. I am sure a few drinks over Christmas will be fine but I’m no doctor 😊. What are you up to over Christmas?x

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMyStar86

yeah, going to my sister's on Christmas day I aren't keen on Christmas really it's just for kids ,all the advertisements on tele a bit much.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply toRadars

Well I hope you have a nice time with your sister. I’m the same I used to love Xmas when I was younger but now the only thing I like about it giving presents to my parents I’m not so keen on getting them but I love giving gifts.

Let me know how it goes with the doctor tomorrow I’ll be thinking of you. I have my stoma check up tomorrow so I have to do a few hours in the car which I’m dreading but then hopefully the appointments will be further away it’s just at the start they need to check it lots but travelling is my worst nightmare so roll on Friday x

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMyStar86

good luck

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply toRadars

Thank you x

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMyStar86

I have just been to see gp and he has referred me for a spinal x-ray I thought l1 was a spinal x-ray but it's only the top of the spine ,so I will be having x-ray for the lumbar spine.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply toRadars

Well hopefully they will actually do the lumber this time but yes I just asked mum again and she said you have to include the first and last one of each so on the thoracic xray they have to include C7 the last or the cervical spine and L1 the first of the lumber spine so that’s why they only included L1 on your thoracic xray.

Well hopefully they can get that done soon for you with all the holidays. Did they talk to you about a calcium supplement etc?x

Radars profile image
Radars in reply toMyStar86

yeah I will go tomorrow for x-ray, regarding supplement he said I'm ok really a bit low on the low end but ok.and I said I don't like these gp phone calls regarding problems and he said would I prefer face to face appointments and I said yes so that was good.

MyStar86 profile image
MyStar86 in reply toRadars

Oh wow that’s quick I’m glad you are getting it all sorted and hopefully you will get an appointment after the holidays to follow up vs a telephone one this time save you having to having to have two appointments. That’s good that you don’t have to supplement after the hassle you had with the calcium.

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