I have been taking alpro almond milk for calcium, but now I have read that the almonds block calcium.
almonds and calcium : I have been... - Bone Health and O...
almonds and calcium

That sounds very strange as almonds are supposed to be a good source of calcium 🤔
that's what I thought, there is phytates in almond milk that block calcium absorption,think I will go with alpro soya milk but it's all confusing,
I don't take any notice of phytates. They may block a tiny amount of calcium from being absorbed, but they have health benefits of their own: healthline.com/nutrition/ph.... The potential issue would be with eating raw almonds, not ones that have been processed to make almond milk, and it would only be an issue if your diet wasn't a good one.
yeah but don't you think that alpro soya milk is the best,almond milk is too watered down.
I use Tesco's soya milk, as soya milk has more protein than the other milk substitutes. Make sure what you buy us fortified (organic doesn't have any added calcium)
Hi. I'm poking my nose in here as a few years back I used to make my own almond milk. I had already read that most of the phytates are in the skins so I used to soak them overnight in some clear filtered water and then in the morning, empty the water and squeeze the end of each nut and it would slide out of the skin nice and clean - no effort whatsoever.
I get very sceptical about these deep dives into micro amounts of nutrients etc. Almonds while fresh organic are surely just good for you and your general health including calcium intake.
I sometimes go down these rabbit holes but ultimately it leads to a very uncertain basis of research and often if not always small numbers and badly designed research by thise who have an agenda. And then a lot is nit in vivo on humans but animals studies or just invitro .
I am confused most of the time about what is THE CURRENT acceptable view on various foods for bone or any health issue.
Almonds do contain oxalates and phytic acid, which are compounds that can bind to calcium and potentially inhibit its absorption. I have also read that the effect of almonds on calcium absorption is minimal when consumed as part of a balanced diet. Yes it is all confusing. I think the important thing is that we eat it well-balanced diet.
Technically, the almonds have nearly the top amount of oxalates, an anti-nutrient, and the oxalates will bind to the minerals in your foods, and exit them to the urine. The calcium, and other minerals will be lost and not absorbed. Spinach is the highest, and other leafy greens. Some plant based diet "experts" claim that pressure cooking will neutralize the oxalates, but that's a half-truth...it will eliminate some of them. So consuming coconut milk is a better alternative. Look up Sally Norton, she is one of the best food scientist out there. Great information on her website.
is it then worth it to take a calcium supplement, I have been reading about algaecal plus because I don't know if I am absorbing calcium properly, I take a 20mg famatodine which also stops calcium,
For me, I monitor calcium levels, and take a "combo" calcium, True Osteo, when my levels are down from 10.0. I had a parathyroid tumor, so calcium is monitored often. I don't absorb nutrients well, so my doctor also makes sure my Vit D3, Vit B levels are good. If you limit anti-nutrient foods, eat more low oxalate foods, you may be surprised that you are absorbing correctly.

Hi Everyone, We read so much in the media about what is good for our bones and this can be confusing. Professor Sue Lanham-New joined us at the end of 2023 to help explain what the latest research tells us about nutrition and bone health. This film is part of our #BoneMatters series of events. We hope this helps for those who are newly diagnosed.