sorry, not OP related and just a whinge really. Thought I had a very bad cold, husband also suffering. Not sure why I did an lft but did and it came up very positive (big thick black line) in about 10 seconds. Had it last year and just felt rough for a couple of days and a bit tired for a few days after. Wow, not this time. Thundering headache, nausea and vomiting and the worst sore throat ever, not touched by pain relief. And (sorry tmi) coughing up tanker loads of green crap and every time I cough it scours my throat. I’ve had all the vaccinations. As you can tell, feeling pretty sorry for myself just now..
covid: sorry, not OP related and just a... - Bone Health and O...

If you're coughing up that much gunge, it's probably worth speaking to your doctor, in case you have a chest infection. I hope you feel better soon.
Hi, may make you feel better to know you are not on your own.
My husband got it start of September he was not too bad with it.
Two days later I started with it while still recovering from 2 Thoracic fractures which were 2 of my previous ones, ( they had collapsed further)
Had all my previous vaccinations my symptoms were same as yours but I also had horrendous earache, drenched in sweat for 5 days,really choked up in throat ( which is still bothering me) and every muscle in my body ached, and bad stomach.
My temp went sky high to a point District nurse wanted to admit me to hospital as she did not want to leave me.
After a debate with manager they decided to leave me at home on condition I called ambulance if got worse or did not settle.
I was prescribed antibiotics for what you have described your bringing up but hung on without taking them.
I have had pneumonia in the past and know what to watch for.
I have COPD and got through it although I have been left with itching on soft palette and in the ears, been given spray for ears as told it is inflamed.
I declined this last Covid Jab.
Had shingles after last one and Nurse and my concussed I have protection from having it, if I decide at any time I want it then it is there for me.
To be honest everything I am hearing around me when people have had the vaccine as left my husband and I reluctant to take any more.
All the medical professionals I have spoken to have said to treat it like flu.
Take care and you will feel better soon. x
Oh you poor thing. It sounds really horrible. You’ve had good advice from the others so I’d get plenty of rest, don’t even try to get up and do things, drink loads of water throughout the day and take paracetamol if you can.
If you can get these they are amazing for sore throats, I get mine from Holland and Barrett, they aren’t cheap but they work, they taste nice and are gentle on your sore throat.
Hope you start to feel better soon but contact your doctor if you don’t improve soon.
Those lozenges sound great! Strepsils made me sick.. will rest as much as poss but have to walk the dog at least once today and have prescriptions to collect. Both the dog and the cat should really see the vet (dog has bad stomach for a few days and cat has cancer) but I’m trying to wait till tomorrow. Felt better last night but just getting up and getting a bit of breakfast has worn me out!
My goodness, it is all happening at your house. You have so many ‘people’ to look after while you are feeling awful yourself. Poor kitty, that is really sad, hopefully the dog’s upset tummy gets better soon.
Years ago I used to be able to buy lovely throat losenges called Merocets. They were mild and gentle unlike most of what is on the market now. Why would you want something fierce and horrible for a nasty sore throat I ask?
Hopefully you will start to feel a bit better soon, it seems to be one of those things where people feel all snotty and which is dragging on and on isn’t it. 💐
I remember merocets! I’ve ordered some of the manuka honey lozenges to arrive today so fingers crossed they’ll help with the coughing fits provoked by my now very over sensitive throat - really pissed off the cat last night, he likes to snuggle on the bed with me but I was way too noisy.
Oh no😱 bet he didn’t hang back in letting you know he wasn’t pleased. I hope you’ll make it up to him with a few Dreamies. Our last cat was the perfect ‘sick visitor’ if you weren’t well he would sit towards the end of the bed with his paws curled up beneath him and either watch you or doze. If he felt you were just being lazy and having a lie in he was horrible and would make a real nuisance of himself. I don’t know how he knew the difference but he did. Hope you feel better soon.
I am on the recovery side of my second round of covid too (first in January 2022,) and I totally get feeling sorry for yourself. My case wasn't that bad, and it actually was kind of nice to get a break from my real life (cutting hair,) as I am recovering from some thoracic fractures, too, and my back just kills me. I also have old cats (who've been plagued by fleas--finally hauled off and shaved them, at least I can SEE the fleas now,) and a dog that needs walking, but they still say, I think, that getting the blood flowing is good both for OP and covid, so that may be a good thing. Still, so sorry you are getting hit this hard. Hope you feel better soon.
Ugh fleas are the worst aren’t they. Had a bad infestation a few years back when we had 2 elderly cats, one blind, and current cat who was a comparative youngster at the time. Took a few weeks of spraying everything with indorex (horrible stuff, kills everything including spiders which really upset me), and hoovering and hoovering, including furniture, beds (ours) and along every skirting board. Did get rid of them though.
Haha, thanks for your commiseration! Yes, it's amazing how annoying truly little things can be, but that your pets are suffering is the worst. And you can spend quite a bit of money on products that don't work, too. Not sure what you used to kill everything, just know what I've used so far, the fleas just laugh at. 😞
Ahh Nuthatch, it's awful isn't it, and feels as if you will never get better, being sick took me by surprise. It might cheer you to know that I am better now than before I had the last bout of covid, it seems to have triggered my body to heal fully from the earlier bouts. I hope the same is true for you.
really do hope you feel better soon!