Said I would update the forum on my progress. One month now on weekly Risedronate after 20 unpleasant months on AA.
The difference is very marked in a good way. No more overwhelming fatigue or sore red eyes! No more Brain Fade! I can operate like a normal human being on Acid Sunday once more and do not feel any need to return to bed!
The only slight side effect is a strange ache in my head and face, almost a tingly numbness which comes on after about an hour and passes after another hour. Not a headache as such just an ache in my facial bones.
Have been reassured by ROS nurse that this should lessen as the weeks go by and it is not a precursor to Osteocronosis!
Will now hopefully complete my three years on Acid then have another Dexa to see how I have done (even if we have to pay for it!)
Have also upped my exercise regime,more weights etc ,with the excellent guidance from the ROS.
Not often people post good news here so hope this helps someone else.
Many thanks to all of you who have given me such good advice and encouragement over the last few months. ❤🌞❤🌞❤