does anyone use a back brace for severe osteoporosis, and how good are they.
back brace : does anyone use a back... - Bone Health and O...
back brace

Here is an old link on back braces.
You can call the ROS helpline on Wednesday and ask them.
Hi I use a lumbar support belt occasionally. I use it when traveling in the car, and when going out for longer periods. I also use it very occasionally when my back is particularly painful. I don’t wear it all the time as I’m sure that isn’t helpful. I have osteoporosis with 5 lumbar fractures and slipped discs.
Hello Radars
After 8 spinal fractures once I had recovered enough to breath freely it was felt I would benefit from a brace. This was though the hospital, started with an 'off the shelf' one which didn't do much then had one made. This helped a great deal so that I could remain in an 'up right' position for longer periods. I have always done daily physio and have a list of different exercises to help with sitting, holding my head up, standing and walking. (I walk with crutches).
I have a second brace for use in water so I can go to hydro and still be safe when getting into and out of the pool plus it means for me that I can do more e.g. hold my arms away from my body; walk in the water etc.
My brace means I can maintain a better posture but I have several damaged vertibra after the fractures. I don't use it all the time the first two hours up, at night and for a two hour lie down in the afternoon I dont need it.
I think most people find walking poles/ crutches /walking frames give enough support. I couldn't manage to hold my arms away from my body so couldn't do things like feed myself or sit without sliding to my rightside. Some people do have a brace to help with posture.
Best wishes Posy White
I was given a back brace after my T12 went. I did use it for quite a while when my further four fractures went I tried it an it was too painful as it pressed on the bones I had recently broken. The hospital made mine specially for me.
I was given a back brace after myT12 went and it just slid up my back. No use for the T12 or the other lumbar fractures. That was on holiday in Cyprus. Now I'm back I'm wondering if it isn't time to see an orthopaedic consultant, as I have arthritis in at least one knee and I can't put pressure on my wrists at all. I don't think walking with a stick is good but for now I have to.