I take Simbachort twice a day for Athsma but has anyone else found that it makes them cough more and produce more mucus
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Inhalers side effects

I use symbicort nottowell and I also produce a lot of mucus but I don't know if it's the symbicort that's causing it. I asked my GP but he was doubtful. Like you I haven't had a respiratory appointment for 12 months. I use a CPAP machine for sleep apnoea and I am wondering if that's the cause. I'm going to mention it when I get a review. A CT scan that I had a while ago didn't show anything. The thing is I have been using symbicort and a CPAP machine since 2011 but the mucus production has only started in the last 12 to 18 months.
I started symbicort which the hospital prescribed when I was an inpatient for my spinal collapse. I persevered with it for some weeks but when home rang the pharmacy telling them the extra coughing was causing more pain.
The pharmacist says the powder is coarser and can actually cause coughing as the small bronchiols (spelling?) get clogged. He advised me to ring my doctor, (actually I did an econsult), explain I had asked his advice and that he recommended I go back on to salbutamol.
My gp wrote up the prescription and I have had no more problems. The pharmacist is probably your first port of call. Gps actually don't seem to know very much about how medications work, if they did they would be pharmacists!
I also use a cpap at night, I have been using it for a few weeks but end up taking it off after about four hours because it wakes me up coughing. I have an appointment at the sleep clinic on Thursday to see if I am using it properly.
TBH I am fed up with the bloomin' thing already!
I know what you mean. I'm waiting for a review of my CPAP. I fully intend to raise it with them. I don't know if it's the symbicort or just CPAP use in general but I did raise the problem last year but it was only a review by phone and a nurse not a doctor. I'm really fed up of it now. I will speak to the pharmacist in the meantime. Good Idea. I always keep a bottle of water by the bed because I get a dry throat which makes cough too. Would you mind letting me know how you get on at your appointment please?
Yes, of course.
I have a feeling they will say the mask is not on properly but any tighter and it pulls my jaw, chaps my cheeks and makes my nose tender to touch. I stopped using the humidifier fitment because it made me dribble! but I think my lungs are dry which makes me cough.
At least the pain in my spine has lessened enough so the coughing is not as bad as it was.
I had terrible trouble with a mask, same problems as you. The nurse suggested nose cushions/ pillows and I found them much easier, no mask and no sore nose!
I think they have me down as a mouth breather. I have a slight blockage in one nostril from a childhood accident. I walked behind a swing as it swung up, and it caught my jaw as well. Of course 60 years ago most parents just told their children to rub it better and not make too much of a fuss, how times change!!
I keep the unit plugged in so the clinic get the data from each night and they rang me to say there have been several concerning incidents.
I had the phone call today to go Thursday so I am guessing they want to sort this quickly.
It's good they are seeing you quickly. I would guess that your part blockage may have something to do with it as the air probably isn't getting through properly. Good luck and I hope they can sort it out for you.
Hi, Well, that appointment was a waste of time really. The people were really patient and they tried many different options but they couldn't find one that didn't leak air upwards in my eyes.
Apparently I have a thin nose, the result of the osteoporosis I guess as I have had a lot of bone loss throughout my body. I hadn't really noticed before but looking at old photos I can see the difference.
The smaller nose and mouth one was great because I would be able to wear my reading glassess or watch tv. I so wanted to have that one but it leaked air like a sieve, what a shame.
So I am back on the original cpap mask and they want me to position it right up onto my nose so I can barely see a thing. They have given me a reel of special tape to help prevent the bruising on my nose and it is back to Sudacrem for my chapped cheeks.
Previously I have been taking it off in my sleep, not really remembering I was doing it, but it is so uncomfortable I think the same thing will happen again.
They stressed how important it was to persevere with it, their data shows I am still having problems.
Fingers crossed.
Oh dear Bluebell that's disappointing. I hope it works for you. Did you try nose cushions/pillows, they don't involve anything over your nose because they fit just inside the nostrils. If you get a good fit, no air escapes. I have very small nostrils so I have to have extra small.
Hello, no they didn't give me that option as I have a thin nose and one nostril has collapsed a bit near the top so I am mostly a mouth breather, although I can breathe through my nose but not enough air going in.
I tried the tape but the mask has still left a dent and a mark and of course my cheeks are sore. In fact my face looks like I have been in a fight! It settles throughout the day and then the mask goes on and the same thing happens again.
It is unfortunate that a tight fit with the full mask is the only way I can stop the air escaping up towards my eyes.
Who would have thought that osteoporosis and resulting bone loss would make such a difference to your nose and cheeks.
Thank you for your kindness and advice.
No problem Bluebell.. I have osteoporosis as well. No fun is it? It's a shame that your options for nose cushions is closed. I had a deep ridge across the top of my nose when I used a mask which was very sore. I know what you mean about the train tracks down the side of your cheeks though. I still have those because the straps down my cheeks hold the cushions in place. Most days they disappear after a while but sometimes they are still visible all day. Take care. X
I have a problem with my jaw as the medication for osteoporosis has damaged my jaw .i need a tooth out but have to go to the maxifacail clinic but refused to refer me until i paid £47 for a referal letter which i have refused to do
Hi nottowell sorry for the late reply, I have been away for a few days.
I am surprised that you are going to be charged for a referral letter, is this your dentist or the osteoporosis clinic?
Please do persist with your tooth, that will cause more damage to your jaw if you get an abcess or something. You should never be charged to get treatment on the NHS, if necessary ring the clinic and explain your situation.
It is pretty miserable enough having to cope with several conditions and medication without the pettiness of so called professionals.
It goes against the ethos of the NHS, free and fair treatment from cradle to grave.
Good luck !
I have used symbicort for years for asthma and have had chronic cough and mucus for years as well. I never even thought it could be the symbicort! It does control my asthma but doctors seem clueless about the mucus. I have seen so many.
I only take it once a day now just rely on ventolin and cough and mucus better
Good to know.