I posted these links in a thread somewhere, but am now reposting as people have requested some of these. I don’t know how to find the links and research that I just posted in thread replies though. So here’s a start for some of you newbies looking to weigh this side of the coin.
Good luck ladies!
The history behind Osteopenia and bone mineral loss is all based on a marketing plan concocted by Merck. They created the boards who arbitrarily came up with the levels of mineral density. Those have never been causal in actual fractures! These links expose the history of yet another fake disease:
And this:
A senior medical consultant at the University of British Columbia’s Centre for Health Services and Policy Research; Dr. Bassett’s research focuses on the systematic review of drug therapy and drug funding policy.
His paper called On Trying to Stop the Measurement of Bone Density to Sell Drugs (ISBN 0-88865-240-2) was presented at the 12th Annual Health Policy Conference held in Vancouver, B.C. in November 1999. His paper resulted in a ban on these dexa scans until he retired, and then Big Pharma’s lobbying started up again. Many of the doctors there remember this paper and still do not diagnose based on these scans.
One of my posts also cites an article on the same lines from 2016.
Also, check out posts by member Roseyinthegarden who has done lots of research.