This excellent link requires a repost. Link above for those harmed by Prolia interested in checking out this class action suit
Reposting link to class action regard... - Bone Health and O...
Reposting link to class action regarding Prolia ( thanks to sweetsusie )
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Horrible to read about so many lives ruined.
Here is another site which appears to be prepared to tackle Amgen. I note that denosumab is on the list, but a med called Xgeva which as far as I can tell is used to treat cancer, the same chemical as Prolia but different purpose.
Very interesting! I do think there are definitely people here on this board that should be considering legal action.
I know several people have said they've looked for and not found suits that are underway. It doesn't look like the specific issue of rebound fractures is being addressed yet, although perhaps the lack of informing doctors and patients of the known dangers is reason enough and could be included in other suits already being considered by these firms. I don't really know anything about legal actions but a few years ago there was a successful class action suit against Merck (Fosamax?) in Canada. The company settled, but said this did not mean they conceded the drug had caused harm. Something like that. Seems a bit odd to me but I guess this is how these things work. It's definitely worth it to the law firms if there's a good settlement because that's how they get paid, they take a chunk of the settlement money.
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