Morning All,I have to see my Osteoperosis nurse tomorrow and after 5yrs having the Prolia injections twice yearly ,she sent me for a scan January 2017. I then broke my wrist,in May2017, which the fall I had on concrete anyone would have broken a bone.
So come July,she was prepared to give me my Prolia injection,which I must say at this point has always suited me. Anyway I mentioned just in passing I had broke my wrist,so she said I could no longer have the Prolia,and she was going to put me on a daily injection called Forsteo. I suffer chronic stomach pain,and this just made it worse,so I stopped it for a while, then tried again,still couldn't cope with it. So since January of this year I've had nothing.
Now my Question is firstly I don't think she would know what my bones were like had I not mentioned the break,even though I had a scan six months before,suddenly she says my bones are shot.
Now I've read many of you still on Prolia even after breaks. But I think she is going to try me on something else tomorrow,and I would like to ask you people the names of medication she could offer me. Taking into account my chronic stomach pain.
Anything you can suggest I would be grateful of your help.