Anyone recommend dvd for ostioporosis exercises
Exercise info: Anyone recommend dvd for... - Bone Health and O...
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You could try strengthtrainingforosteopor... We are all different and what would suit someone may not be useful for someone else. You could call the NOS helplines and ask if they can recomend any DVDs.
If you are interested the website has exercises on it. You don't have to buy any of her products. But, if you can, go to a physiotherapist for an evaluation before doing too many unaccustomed exercises.
Any gentle weight bearing exercise would be good. Can you join a yoga or pilates class?
My friend bought a vibration plate to help her. It's a bit strange to use, but I'm thinking of getting one, too.
Thank you all for your answers, have found quite a few moves to follow on you tube which I am trying out.So pleased I found this forum.
May (27531)
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