Exercise class London: Hi, I have... - Bone Health and O...

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Exercise class London

BellaP profile image
28 Replies

Hi, I have osteoporosis in spine L1, T score -3 but do not want to take meds so need to address this with exercise and diet. But it seems impossible to find a class to help me with this. Can anyone help recommend an exercise class for people with osteoporosis of the spine? There seems to be a huge gap in this field?

I thought about finding a personal trainer but am worried they might not appreciate the restrictions I am probably guarded about due to the potential issues with osteoporosis.

Any ideas would be welcome.

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BellaP profile image
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28 Replies
veriterc profile image

I have been invited by a London hospital to talk about them possibly setting up an exercise class, so if you would like to send me an email at verite@greenbee.net I will add your info to those I keep informed. But isn't it weird that this isn't available automatically when it is in other countries!

dawn_melody profile image
dawn_melody in reply to veriterc

Hi, I would be very interested to know if there could be an exercise class that I could attend. I too am worried about what I can and cannot do. Can I send you an email?

veriterc profile image
veriterc in reply to dawn_melody

Yes, do send an email to veritegreenbee@gmail.com. I am compiling a list of interested people living in London who might be interested in special exercise classes in London for Osteoporosis. There may be a small charge but the hospital wants to know if there is any interest. They have a nice coffee shop so maybe we could have a 'gossip' afterwards!

annelii profile image
annelii in reply to veriterc

Hi Verity, Is this still a possibility? Thanks.

BadHare profile image

There is a back care yoga class that's run intermittently near where I live in the North, so something like that should be available in london, where thhe population density is higher. I thought it was very expensive for the duration, being much higher than a yoga or pilates class.

If you look for a well qualified yoga teacher, & tell them your spinal issues, they will modify any poses a class does to what is suitable for you. I've had three excellent teachers that do this as normal practice.

You may find Hatha best as it's gentle, & perhaps look for a beginners class.

Qi Gong is also an excellent & gentle form of exercise. That would also help your whole body. We did this twice weekly on a pain management course. I've seen classes advertised in different locations in London.

You may also look up seated Tai Qi, if you'd prefer this.

veriterc profile image
veriterc in reply to BadHare

Thanks for this, and yes, there are lots of yoga classes in London. Trouble is, there are lots of yoga teachers too, and no official way of verifying if they understand patients' needs - unless a patient manages to check them out and knows what questions to ask.

What I am hoping to get set up is an exercise class specifically tailored to those with osteoporosis, as you get all over Europe. The head physio at one well-known hospital was very keen, until the bosses said "it's not done in the NHS" and that was the end of three months planning. Now, a private hospital working with the NHS was keen, BUT the physio in charge has been promoted, so I am starting all over again - wish me luck!

If anyone knows of exercise classes (similar to those you get in Europe) please let me know - it's going to take time, but I will get there! Will let you know updates on aftercancers.com

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply to veriterc

I’ve had three amazing yoga teachers, all qualified, who take regular training sessions, one who ran them. If you avoid the classes run in gyms by people who can do, but not teach yoga that would be a start. There are national training bodies. Such as The British Wheel of Yoga. A chat with any teacher will inform you whether they’re able to provide what you want.

The physio who ran my last pain management course caused a lot of pain for the entire class, by running Qigong sessions at an aerobic class speed. I’d trust a qualified yoga or qigong teacher over a physio.

veriterc profile image
veriterc in reply to BadHare

Thanks for info re Yoga teachers. However, I write for the general public, most of whom wouldn't know what to look for in a teacher, so I have to aim for the basics - which generally means a physio.

Ch1ppy profile image

I have osteoporosis in my hip and osteopenia in my spine and now see a trainer, at a London sports/performance clinic, once every 12 weeks. After each visit I leave with a new set of exercises to follow at home, 3-4 times a week, typically around one and a half hours per day. The trainer was recommended by a consultant that I saw privately, and that reassuring. After a year of following the regime my DEXA results showed the same, possibly slightly more, improvement than expected with medication. Let me me know if you want the name of the sports/performance trainer. P.S You don't need to be sporty!

1965Katy profile image
1965Katy in reply to Ch1ppy

Hi, I'd be very interested to know the name of the clinic. Thanks for sharing.

Ch1ppy profile image
Ch1ppy in reply to 1965Katy

It's a group of London clinics called Pure Sports Medicine. I go to the City clinic and see a trainer called Dean Sutton. puresportsmed.com/clinics/t...

Good luck.

1965Katy profile image
1965Katy in reply to Ch1ppy

Thank you, that's really helpful. It might be a bit far for me to travel though so might see if I can find any spine strengthening exercises online. Are there any simple ones he's given you that you can explain on here?

Good luck

Ch1ppy profile image
Ch1ppy in reply to 1965Katy

They way that it works is that I get different sets of exercises that build on each other over time. So I don't feel that I could pick out particular ones as especially good for the spine - also my weakest area is my hips. Perhaps the National Osteoporosis Society can help?

veriterc profile image
veriterc in reply to Ch1ppy

Yes, please let me know - you can email me on verite@greenbee.net. I would definitely like to write about this on aftercancers.com

Margaret007 profile image

Hi ...I started out with one fracture T10 in 2012...I was a weight trainer body builder so did exercise every day and ate properly plus took vitamins. However in 2015 I ended up with 14 spinal fractures the pain was horrendous. I had blood tests. Put on a very strong dose of Vit D with calcium. Plus a yearly intravenous injection of Zolondronic acid...you need to look at any medication you are on as some deplete the Vit K required to keep the bone mass..I used to be very active prior to this now my life completely changed I have to have help....don't leave it and hope with fingers crossed...see an osteoporosis specialist...xx

BellaP profile image
BellaP in reply to Margaret007

Hi Margaret, do you know what your T scores were in 2012 and 2014 when you had the spinal fractures? I am trying to gauge whether T-3 is of real concern. I am sorry that you have had such issues and hope that things improve for you....

Margaret007 profile image
Margaret007 in reply to BellaP

Hi...without getting my paperwork out cannot remember.i keep copies of everything...if it's indicated osteopenia then you need to be on something . A specialist dealing with osteoporosis is the best one the GP doesn't know enough..suggest if you are any medication at all for anything Google to see if that particular med depletes bone mass or ask the chemist..you would be surprised what meds contribute to it..if you had early menapause too or cancer of any description, asthma..steroids....I had the three..but you have to be positive I have lost almost 4 inches in heigh now but back to driving after two years with a massive cushion. Best of luck. Xx

veriterc profile image

The hospital that might set up course is in Central London south of Thames.

BellaP profile image
BellaP in reply to veriterc

Hi, thanks for this info. Is it possible that you could relay this info to the NOS as I am sure they will be interested in relaying this to members.

veriterc profile image
veriterc in reply to BellaP

Yes, as soon as I have anything concrete to report I will certainly let NOS know. In the meantime, if anyone else is interested send me an email and I will keep you informed. verite@greenbee.net

Kaarina profile image

If you cannot find any exercise classes near you where you are confident that the instructor is that knowledgeable about OP why not get a referral to a Falls Prevention Clinic in your area? If you have a tendency/had the tendency to fall you can asked to be referred by your GP and I understand you can also self refer.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Kaarina

Great suggestion - it was just such a program at our local hospital which gave me some good tips on how to protect my back during daily activity.

HeronNS profile image

Looks like you have some great suggestions how to get started finding appropriate exercise. I want to just chip in with a couple of other suggestions which may help you defer or even eliminate the need for eventually needing bone meds (it is possible, I did it). Make sure that as well as Vitamin D3 you are also getting Vitamin K2 (not K1 which is readily available in the diet) you'll probably need a supplement for that as it is rather lacking in the modern diet. Weight bearing exercise is good and you can get some just by having daily walks, taking up Nordic walking, and possibly investing in a good weighted walking vest which allows you to add very small weights and increase the load slowly over a period of time. Good luck!

Lulet99 profile image

I do Pilates as it builds core strength that helps to support your spine, but as I have severe osteoporosis I found a small class run by a qualified physiotherapist and explained my situation before I signed up. I think walking is supposed to be one of the best bone building exercises, or skipping with a rope. Swimming and cycling do not build bone so avoid those. I hope this helps?

Kaarina profile image
Kaarina in reply to Lulet99

Hi Lulet

For me personally, skipping with a rope would do me no good at all. I would LOVE to be able to skip and it would be a great exercise for OP but that is beyond me now. I would do much more damage than good to my knees and spine. :) I have had two total knee replacements and a revision a year ago which has made not one iota of difference. Walking is a great all round exercise and thank goodness I am able to do that.

We are all different. some of us with other conditions as well as osteoporosis which makes it so difficult to find exercise which will do us good all round and not more harm.

HilaryM profile image
HilaryM in reply to Lulet99

As Kaarina says we all have different conditions, so telling an op patient to avoid swimming for example is not helpful. I swim 1km several times a week as an arthritis flare up currently prevents me from walking. By strengthening my back and other muscles in the meantime I am reducing my chances of falling or otherwise damaging my spine further. Similarly experienced cyclists frequently have abs and balance we would all envy.

Matt_Stafford profile image

Hi Bella.

My background is NHS Project Management and this is an issue which has come up frequently from patients. There are actually a number of different specialist classes out there, however the issue is knowing about them and being able to get in contact. I've since developed a not for profit working with the NHS to make information about specialist classes and professionals accessible.

I just checked and we currently list 15 classes or professionals in London for Osteoporosis - you can find them here salusa.co.uk/listings and filtering by osteoporosis.

There are lots more and we are working hard to continue building the resource.

Hope that's helpful.



Elizabeth65 profile image

Hi if you read my posts for Prolia consequences as I fractured L1 and L2 within 10 weeks of not renewing this terrible injection. My osteo specialist recommended going to a physiotherapist to improve Core Strength on lower back. After 8 sessions I now do the exercises twice daily and it unlocked my stiffness and got me moving. If you loose core strength in you back your stomach protrudes as you loose height and all your intestines, and inners are cramped into a smaller space. I weigh just 58 kiloor 9 stone and I'm size 10 so it is easier for me but I wonder how heavy women manage to move at all with a large stomach.

Find a local physio and pay them for even 6 lessons and warn anyone doing keep fit about your condition as there are many exercises that will worsen your condition. Stay safe and take care.

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