Hi All,
The Dexa scan in April 2024 was only reported in late Sept. Thoracic fracture shown, which wasn't there a couple of years ago and neck of femur also showing clear osteoporosis.
I had been playing badminton weekly and also digging heavy, clay soil in a largish overgrown allotment I got in Jan this year. Stupidly, I assumed the increased thoracic pain was just an extension of long standing lumbar back pain due to the increased exercise, and that it would get better as I got fitter!
I'm still keen to lose weight and get fitter, but scared to do more damage. I'm getting conflicting advice on the badminton, though the digging seems to be a no-no.
I've got another dental appt in a week, where they will advise if I'm OK to start Alendronate.
Any advice?