Please has anyone taken this course? I have passed both the Foundation and the Advanced assessments but would like to discuss a few of the topics covered in the course.
I am new here. ... - Bone Health and O...
I am new here. National Osteoporosis Society Fracture Prevention Training

Hello Smiles_6
As I had no idea what the fracture prevention training was I googled it and think it may be an online course for nurses etc?
I hope you find someone on this forum who has taken the course so you can discuss some of the topics covered in the course.
Hello Kaarina,
Thank you for your reply.
Here is a summary of the course:
"This resource provides accredited, easily accessible training for Fracture Prevention Practitioners (FPP). The training will benefit Fracture Liaison Nurses, as well as other specialist nurses, allied health professionals and clinicians to establish a knowledge quality standard and gain certification at a Foundation and Advanced level.
Accredited by RCGP for 4 CPD credits
Accredited by RCP for 4 CPD credits
Accredited by RCN for 4 study hours"
I was offered the course as an Exercise to Music Instructor.
Thank you,Smiles_6
Do you have osteoporosis?
You may not find anyone on here who has done the course but if you have any questions to ask us regarding how we cope when given the OP diagnosis, fire away!
Hi my husband just been diagnosed with osteoporosis he's in a lot of pain with back fractured vertabrae don't know a lot about this and what's best for him
So sorry to hear about your husband.
There are pain relieving treatments available.
I would say best take advice from his healthcare professional who will be able to signpost you in the best direction.
You could also try calling the National Osteoporosis Society (NOS). There are nurses available on 0808 800 0035.
The NOS is wonderfully supportive.
Warm wishes to you both.
Hi Janet,
I am sorry to hear about your husband. It is scary for many of us when personally diagnosed or a loved one is diagnosed with OP. It can come as a shock. Fractures can be immensely debilitating and painful.
I suggest you look at the NOS site - lots of information on there and leaflets to download or you can request for them to be sent to you.
I have not personally used the helpline but heard that those that do are helped greatly. It helps to talk and a problem shared with a nurse who specialises in OP is a problem halved.
You can also find out if there is a local NOS branch meeting held near you. I belong to my local one, which is actually not that local, but I enjoy the meetings and try to get there every month.
Look after yourself as well as your husband.
Free NOS helpline: 08088000035
Hello all - I've replied on your other post but just wanted to say that I'm not sure how many healthcare professionals we have on this forum but it's lovely to have you here. If you have specific questions about any of our continuing professional development or training for healthcare professionals, then please do get in touch with Henry ( We also have a healthcare professional section of our website
Thank you, Sarah, for such nice, welcoming words.
I have tried the link, thank you, but it does not work for me.
I am not a healthcare professional; I am an Exercise to Music Instructor, also qualified in Adapting Exercise for Older Adults. The course was offered to me by a department of the Bath & North East Somerset Council and I saw it as a perfect opportunity to complement and extend my learning.
Henry has been very helpful. While consolidating the training I have a number of queries, some because I do not have a medical background and some concerning the design of the assessments. Unfortunately Henry is understandably unable to help, as to do so might mean accessing the slides which he says he cannot do, presumably because of time constraints. He has explained that there will be a review of the course but obviously that is not going to help me at the moment.
I do hesitate to ask for anyone's time when they are so busy, and always research to try and find answers before asking. I am, however, unable to resolve my current queries, hence I am trying other avenues.
The course suggests visiting the forum after completion of each module. I cannot see any direct relevance to my queries, but am glad to be here!
Thank you again and warm wishes,