Hi I've been suffering with severe nasal congestion and my GP has prescribed a steroid nasal spray. But I also take amlodopine and lisinopril for high blood pressure. I'm now wondering if he took this into account. Does anyone have experience of being prescribed steroid nasal spray with blood pressure medication ?
Steroid nasal spray : Hi I've been... - High Blood Pressu...
Steroid nasal spray

I don’t - but your dispensing pharmacist or (even better) the pharmacist employed by your doctor’s group of surgeries will.
Hi Madison County. I just wanted to let you know, in case it’s relevant to you. My mother has just come off amlodipine due to nasal congestion (rhinitis) and cough, which are side effects of a number of blood pressure medications. She was prescribed a steroid nasal spray too. I have also had rhinitis and cough side effects from calcium channel blockers, ACE Inhibitors and alpha blockers. If your nasal congestion has started or worsened since you began your BP medications, it may be something to look into. I’d make sure you get a few opinions from both doctors and pharmacists, as in my experience some doctors seem to be very reluctant to view medication side effects as the cause of any symptoms.
Hi SeaDog, oh that's a good point you make. I hadn't thought about it but I've never had this severe nasal congestion before so they could be connected. I will definitely look into it if it is more than a one off. Thank you!
Hi MC. You’re really welcome. I think it’s so helpful for us to share experiences like this as often doctors can make you feel like you’re the only one and then you find out there are lots of others out there having the same experience as you. I’m not saying all doctors are like this but it’s hard for them to look into different possibilities when they have so little time to spend with you. Hope all goes well for you.
Side effect from steroid nasal spray for me was violent nose bleeds.