Hi I usually take 4 reading usually waiting 2 minutes between readings but somedays my reading are all over the place and can have 15 to 25 points difference between the first and last reading usually the first reading is very high compared to the next 3 the first can be 145/72 and the last one 116/63 the monitor I use is recomended by the NHS and has been checked at the doctors surgery anyone with the same experience
Blood Pressure Readings: Hi I usually... - High Blood Pressu...
Blood Pressure Readings

High first reading is very common--- called the white coat effect - from doctors surgery experience.
General practice is to take 4 readings, one after the other, no waiting necessary,
Ignore the first one and average the last 3.
That is your new reading, for your records.
Make sure you are seated at a table, settled, arm lying on the table , same height as the machine.
Don't be chatting, eating or making love. ( I made that last one up!)
Good luck.
yes, that’s not at all uncommon. Throw away the first reading and take an average of the next three.
Also, just before you press the button, close your eyes and take three slow breaths.
I don’t always take an average. I’ve had so many visits to the surgery where the nurses take just one or 2 readings and then enter the lowest into my record.. A very wise nurse advised me this is not a precise science. I ignore the outliers now. Say I get 2 of 130 / 75 - 137 / 75 and another about 155/78 then I’ll ignore the 155 and use an average of the other 2. The outliers skew the figures. It’s more relaxing and I’m not getting churned up anymore when I take my BP .