I am 58, I am on a cocktail of drugs, Type 2 diabetic, Crohns, Leaukemia, Fybromyalgia, Asthma, High blood pressure but has come down to a decent 130/71, I am on BP tablets Ramipril, Amolodipine and Indepamide now my Pharmasist wants to introduce a 4th BP medication Doxazosin 1mg(very low dose), I read on NHS websites that it is of course to treat high BP (mine has been decent for some time at 130/71) so bit confused about that! But it is also given if you have enlarged Prostate, I have never been told I have an enlarged Prostate!!! Also I have read that Doxazosin can give an increased risk of heart failure!!!! Also reading on here about the many side affects of Doxazosin here on this site, not going to take it until I have spoken with the Pharmacist or GP at my surgery, sometimes I think many of us are just treated like guinea-pigs by the NHS, we're just a number, not a person with no brain cells to rub together!! Not having Doxazosin added to my medication until I've had some explanation and assurances!!! I have 3 pages of repeat medications, not kean to add anymore until I'm happy!!
Doxazosin : I am 58, I am on a cocktail... - High Blood Pressu...

Oh boy you have a lot going on IanjS, and my sympathies are with you. I will tell you my issue's with BP meds, I think these medication are truly toxic, well for me they are. I have had blood pressure problems since I had my first child at 17, so was put on a med called Amias, which I have since learned is Candasartan, was on it for years and years, until I went into menopause, and suddenly I was out walking my dog's, and I said to my hubby I think I must have a chest infection, I can't breathe properly. !!! So then I was diagnosed with asthma, which I had never had asthma in my life, and was given 2 inhaler's for 6-7 years, which did nothing. Eventually saw a specialist asthma nurse who tested me with a machine, and guess what, you do not have asthma it is your candasartan that is causing it. Oh boy was I angry. So I paid privately which we should not have to do, and was diagnosed by a professor heart specialist in London, that I am blood pressure medication intolerant, they make me feel so ill. I have wasted 5 years of my life back and forth to my surgery, with my doctor thinking It was all in my mind. So next week I have been referred to Bristol Heart Institute for further advice HOPEFULLY !!! I am sorry to go on, but I am angry that our doctor's put you on all this shit, but don't think you have bad reactions to it. You only have to go on forums about medications to learn, which doctor's do not like one bit. I send my best wishes to you.
Yes, it's to do with Big Pharma and the massive profits they make, kick backs to surgeries to use and prescribe these drugs, I'm wondering about that?? We the public have become much more knowledgeable about our medical conditions and the drugs we're prescribed, there is certainly something rotten in the state of Denmark!! Like I said, most of the time I think we're guinea-pigs for all these drugs!
Yes I think it is very scary IanjS so am I right you are in Denmark ? So it is not just bloody UK then ? I am disgusted with our UK at present, and our doctor's, they do not give a rat's ass.
I was prescribed Doxazosin six weeks ago initially 1mg in the morning then 1mg at night if tolerable take one 4 mg at night. Since taking even the 1mg has given me back pain and joint/ muscle pain. This week has changed to 4 mg has given me severe side effects put me in bed for two day.It has had no significant blood pressure reduction at all in fact in my case increased it.My blood pressure is continually a mean average of 170/95. I would love your blood pressure which sounds to me to be pretty ideal. Obviously different drugs affect people in different ways, if you’re like me you take more tablets than enough, in my case Doxazosin shut me down made me feel the worst I have ever felt.The pharmacist must have had a reason to prescribe it?
Hi Jourdanie 007. What the hell is with with blood pressure medications, and believe me I have tried them all, but I would love to know WHY they give me horrific back pain and aching joints. At the moment I am taking 1/2 a tab of Diltiazem and 2.5 Bendroflumethiazide, which I am coping with, but it is not taking my bp down enough. I have been going thro this crap for 5 years, back and forth to doctor to try another one, but was diagnosed by a Professor Lobo in London, as being bp med intolerant. But over the last 5 years, I have been made to feel by my surgery, that I am a nuisance, or just a mad woman. They have not a clue how these tablets can makes some people feel. So as you might have seen in previous posts, I have an appointment on Tuesday at The Bristol Heart Institute, I am nervous as to what they will say.
Hi IanSorry to hear of your health problems. Your bp is good you are right to ask why you are being prescribed a further drug. Makes no sense and if you have a prostate problem why haven't you been advised ?
It's sad but we have to be our own advocates.
Good luck!
Hello there , don't blame you I had Doxazosin many years ago and had a bad reaction, but too spite it being on my records they prescribed it again when my BP was recorded as up by the hospital. This time the reaction was worse. So do take care as this drug is not suitable for all. It sounds like you take a cocktail but it says one should not be taking a cocktail as some drugs countermand the good effects of others . We are all different. Best wishes to get the details for Doxazosin. I am in trouble at present due to new drugs introduced to my long standing regime but don't know which illness as been made worse. Oh and beware many drugs cause flatulance which can cause more discomfort long term use can result in some organs not working properly too. Best wishes.
Lol, I have Crohns and Fybromyalgia so rear end problems are the norm for me, I will be turning Doxazosin down, I've now read too many bad reports on here, my body, I make the ultimate decisions on what I take, these GPs, Specialists, nurses seem to think they have the ultimate say, if it's life saving, yes! If it's tinkering around when things are OK, no! Sick of this attitude now, it's something that has got worse and worse and I for one have had enough of the attitude of the NHS, turning into a dictatorship! 😡
Thank you IanjS sorry for delayed reply. I share your sentiments whole heartedly. I even found a blue coated tablet that caused a reaction. recently I have started to wonder about these injections for COVID . My freind has had them all but was still diagnosed that her winter chest cold was COVID three weeks after it started and she visits hospital on a regular basis for treatment but was not tested for COVID at the outset. I have lost a lot of faith in this costly system that could be more productive if staff listened to the patient, in fact a person at my surgery said she was learning from just talking to me. Sadly I was only a head cook in my working life not a doctor or other medical person. So I do as you follow my instinct , if the tablet does not work its not for me. I have had an anapaletic reaction in the past put down to mental health although the doctor had to prescribe a drug to save my life. Good luck to you, take care of yourself and keep warm.
The Covid jabs don't stop people from getting Covid, they help to reduce the severity of symptoms to avoid going into Hospital and relieve pressure on the NHS, beds! Some people still get very ill even after all the jabs, most though have some protection from serious illness, hospitalizations, death! It is not a cure the jabs, for me I am pretty damn sure deaths would have been even higher than the 250k of lives lost, I think that could have doubled, trebled or more and the same around the world, I am not a complete denier of the help medications give, it's the tinkering with people's medications when their symptoms, conditions are under control, sometimes it's as if they can't help themselves but tinker and it is this I object to! Regards.
Ps 250k was about the deaths in the UK, some 6 million around the world, just to clarify.
I appreciate what the COVID jabs are for, but in all honesty no one can know as of yet if they have any long term adverse side effects as that knowledge only comes from use and long term research. I had all my jabs but still got COVID in the summer months sufficient to but me in bed for quite a few weeks fortunately I am on an observation project for this so it will help to see how well the injections in the UK fair, it is still in progress. I don't think DRs should alter drugs that are working with one exception some drugs have illnesses that are caused by long term use so have to be altered if you show signs after long term use. Plus some drugs need reducing as we get older to smaller doses so it is necessary for DRs to tweek the dose . In my opinion no one should be prescribing drugs only Doctors and that includes things like inhalers etc. Regards.
I have been on Ramipril for many years, blood pressure still severely high. Few months ago GP added in Doxazosin. Gave me hives all over my back & chest! I stopped takin them and rung GP surgery to tell them i’d stopped and why. She agreed it was right thing to do. Blood pressure still through the roof so they prescribed Indapamide. I have been having horrific nose bleeds 3-4 times a day since. It doesn’t help that I’m on blood thinners too so a normal nose bleed is like Niagra falls for me. I checked my blood pressure and it’s still high so they aren’t even making a difference so i’m going to stop taking them for a few days and see if the nose bleeds stop. I have never had nose bleeds in my life before, so was a bit of a shock getting out of bed in the dark thinking I had a runny nose, turning the light on and seeing my chest/stomach literally covered in blood from my nose! 😏
If your blood pressure is normal now and you don’t have prostate problems then personally I would just keep monitoring it myself at home and if it starts rising then maybe speak to your GP, but if it stays normal then I don’t see the point in taking a pill that will most likely give you some kind of bad side effect. You know your own body better than any GP does. Do what’s best for you.