Hi there I had heart attack in Nov 20 with stent fitted but now been diagnosed with hbp and type 2 diabetes for diet controlled is 193/115 high I'm on ramipril 7.5mg before latest BP result have now been put on 5mg amlodipene I'm also in Astorvisstatin 80mg aspirin 75 furesmide 80mg omopreazole 20mg folic acid and vit d supplements I'm a bit apprehensive of taking Ng amlodipene as seems to be to many negative side effects in some
Hi there 193/115: Hi there I had heart... - High Blood Pressu...
Hi there 193/115

Hello. The medication you are taking seems to be of the right kind - the omeprazole to prevent tummy troubles, the atoravastin to keep your cholesterol down. I suppose the vits and folic acid are for you being a bit run down? Anyway, I think you are saying that in spite of your medication your BP is still very high, and you don’t want to take the new one?
I don’t know if you are familiar with the charity Blood Pressure UK but that might be your next port of call to get more information, their website is helpful. I expect you’ve had a lot of advice on diet, exercise and general lifestyle after your stenting, so that needs attention too.
I found that amlodipine is one of the few drugs that keeps my BP at a reasonable level. Should help with your high readings so give it a try.
Hi djleighp, I have been on 10Mg of Amlodipine for many years now amongst a cocktail of of other BP drugs and 20Mg of omeprazole for GERD. I have noticed no adverse effects from the Amlodipine. My BP currently averages around 130/70 and heart rate in the mid 50s. Hope that helps.