Had to go to ER for High BP. Anyone h... - High Blood Pressu...

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Had to go to ER for High BP. Anyone have advice on how long it takes to go down?

Eirealan profile image
9 Replies

Recently went to ER as BP went to 265/184. Blood work showed no issues. MRI showed no brain bleed and echo was good (small murmur doc said nothing to be concerned about). Was told I dodged a bullet. Hospital was able to lower to 180’s over 90’s in three days. On 100 mg amlodipine and 10 mg of losartan. Also prescribed busiprone for anxiety. How long does it usually take for meds to start working? Last night I got 173/103, this morning 158/99 and this evening I got 169/104 So glad I found this site. Love you guys and this community. I don’t feel alone with this issue.

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Eirealan profile image
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9 Replies
springcross profile image

Oh wow Eirealan, 265/184! Were you stressed at the time or had any stress at all lately? I assume you're quite worried now because of this and if so, that won't help as stress will make your BP shoot up. If this is the case, try some meditation and relaxation, you can find some sites on these on Google. How is your diet - do you eat healthily or are you a little or a lot overweight and do you exercise (carefully)? I'm not trying to pry into your life but all these things can make your BP high. Also, how long have you been taking the meds? They take a little while to work.

You could try the Blood Pressure UK website and I think they also have a helpline number. Good luck and let us know how you get on. x

Eirealan profile image
Eirealan in reply to springcross

Thanks for the advice springcross. 49 yo, 5’7 at 185lbs before event so 25lbs over weight. Turned my diet 180. Lost 2lbs so far. Been on meds a week now. Pre event, I would have take out for lunch at work and 80% of dinners. I agree with you. Medical community can only do so much. It’s up to me to do the rest.

Happyrosie profile image

Just to say, Eirelan, that what springcross has written is completely what I would have said if I had got there first!Bear in mind that the medical profession can only do so much, the rest is up to us - in terms of lifestyle and diet.

seasider18 profile image

Congratulations you have beaten my BP record of 230/130. It happens a few times a year. If I go to the hospital they usually give me Amlodipine but never as much as 100mg. Last time I went was in March. After the usual tests the nurse brought some Amlodipine and then disappeared for a while to get some water. I pointed to the monitor and my BP was 147/70. She called the doctor who said I could go home.

Ruthwuth profile image

Hi I had a similar incident in the summer. I take 10mg of Amlodipine daily. It took my blood pressure about three to four weeks to come down to what’s considered ok. Less than 130/90. 5 months later and my blood pressure is about 120/70. Pretty sure mine is stress and maybe age related. I’m 63. It will come down especially if you focus on healthy body AND mind.

Eirealan profile image
Eirealan in reply to Ruthwuth

Thank you so much Ruthwuth.

Ianc2 profile image

Some electronic blood pressure machines are accurate, Some are not. I have an almost comically irregular heartbeat. Depending on how irregular it wishes to be it will produce highly variable BP readings.. My cardiologist eventually put a note into my file to state 'Manual readings only'.

Having said that the newer machines seem to be a lot better and more able to handle irregularities. Worth a manual check every now and then though.

Jmerrick22 profile image

Hey, how old are you? I’m 27 and kind of had a similar episode happen. When your anxious your bp can spike. The rate your describing is very high, and definitely needs to be addressed. That is stroke zone. But remain calm and try and relax. I’m on buspar-Busparone and it can raise you bp a little. Are you feeling stressed? I’m a nurse hence all the questions

lettingoffsteam profile image

Wow, I thought mine had been bad enough at 244/133!I've halved my meds due to diet change and losing five and a half stone.Now on 2.5mg ramipril and 5mg amlodipine plus 20mg propanolol for my palpitations.Thing is my bp is too low now so probably need to cut out even more...probably taking my amlodipine to.2.5mg.Hope yours settles soon.

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