I am female aged 62.
Took Bendroflumethiazide for a few years for slightly high bp which settled at between 142/78 and 158/85.
To try to stop the consequential and irritating need to go to the loo frequently the doc changed me onto Ramipril 10mg. Over the next weeks my Bp crept up and has stayed higher.
Heart rate consistently over 88 for years!
Doc then added in a Beta Blocker to see if that got the Bp down. After two weeks my Bp is still too high (typically 160/88). Heart rate is lower at about 68 to 72.
I feel generally whoozy and have had an ocular
Migraine and my lips are a sometimes a bit tingly.
I’m wondering if I should ask to go back to Bendroflumethiazide, drop the ramipril and maybe keep on beta blockers too.
Has anyone else got experience of trying to get the meds right for them?