It's a while since I have posted on this forum but just lately my blood pressure is creeping up tonight it was 160/85 when normally its about120/65 I have taken an extra 10 mg of medication as it's the weekend and docs not open for advice .is this a wise thing to do as it's never that high .has anyone ever done this.
High blood pressure: It's a while since... - High Blood Pressu...
High blood pressure

Thank you for your reply I take on board what you are saying.i don't eat a lot of carbohydrates and have a good healthy a lot of veggies .not stressed .will monitor BP over weekend and obviously consult docs on Monday if still increasing.thanks for the reply
Generally yes if I have to fry anything I dry fry .cook
food from scratch .obviously it's hard to avoid foods that contain salts and sugars but don't have takeaways .i don't think I could improve on much as a diet needs certain vitamins and minerals
Hi there we seem to be drifting from my original post of blood pressure meds to diets.which I am happy with .but thanks your reply
I don't think it's wise to just increase your BP medication like that without your GP's knowledge/advice. 160/85 is not dangerously high for a couple of days of the weekend until you can see your GP on Monday.
Thank you .it did creep up last night to 185/90 but thankfully this morning it's gone back down .but yes will keep an eye on it and obviously get in touch with docs .thats the answer I was looking for thanks
When it went down this morning was it before or after you took your medication? If after, perhaps it could point to your medication not having a long enough effect on your blood pressure. And as others have suggested, taking a look at your diet during the day might help, especially as it is spiking towards evening. For instance are you drinking loads of caffeinated drinks, coffee/coke/tea/chocolate? If so, cutting those down or out might help. Having said all that, perhaps you would be wise to see your GP with regarding to the spiking - a 24 hour monitor would provide the answer as to whether you might need additional medication. Good luck?
Thank you I took it before meds this morning will be monitoring it today will take it this afternoon and evening.i do drink tea in the evening so would be wise to cut it out thanks for that I am hoping it's just a blip
i certainly would not up my blood pressure pills because a reading is high, all sorts of things make the readings high. its not anything to worry about as i take my blood pressure a lot and sometimes its 158/80 which is a little high but then the next day its back to 119/79. i imagine its dangerous to take extra blood pressure medation on the back of a couple or reading. i would never do that. I would go back to the doctor or the nurse to have it checked. i'v noticed if i have any kind of stomach upset or even a headache it does go up a bit but then it goes back to normal as i mentioned.xoxo
Thank you for that advice very helpful .yesterday was fine and am monertering it for a few days .it takes weeks to get a docs appointment .and Won't increase my meds when it goes up .if it's extremely high will ring 111 for advice.thank you again .