I had my BP checked back in Apr 2023, and it was borderline high, so they asked me to do a 2 week diary - take it 3 times, give lowest reading, twice a day. The usual. I forgot, then took it in June and it was 188/102 and I got such a shock I assumed I was having a panic attack and - because I'm an idiot - I ignored it, as I thought it was fine in April, so it was just stress. I monitored it in January for a few days, where it was still very high. I was really worried at this point and got in touch with my GP and the nurse sent me straight to see the doctor. The doctor was quite aggressive, told me 5 days wasn't enough, especially if I hadn't taken it three times, for each reading, said it was a waste of time, and she couldn't diagnose anything from that, and gave me a diary to fill in for 2 weeks, with an appointment in 3 weeks. Asked if I had private medical, so I could go to them for help with my IBS (as I suggested maybe that was the cause?) Also said if I was dizzy, had a bad headache or trouble breathing I should go to A&E.
Now - I DO realise what an idiot I am for not dealing with this straight away, last year, so that's on me. However, over the last few weeks my BP has been consistently above 185/100 - and I'm already taking Ramipril 5mg every day - isn't this worrying? My appointment to have the 2 week diary checked is next Monday. I do understand this is necessary, but isn't BP this high worrying, regardless of how few days I'd initially written the results down?
I'm sorry to ramble on, but one one hand, aren't we told BP over188/100 (I've got to 192/120) means go to A&E immediately, whereas my doctor doesn't seem to think this is anything to worry about?
If anyone reads this far thank you - I apologise, I'm venting because I've just got myself in a bit of a state about this today, being told 'pop along to A&E if you feel poorly' isn't very reassuring, although the hospital would be the best place to be at that point.
I think I'm just asking - all of you who live with high blood pressure - this is not a crisis, they just need a 2 week consistent reading to decide how best to treat it, don't they. It's not as bad as I'm imagining? Thank you x