I've been taking my BP at home since February and after initially high readings it setteled down gradually to 125 or so over 80. So two months ago I started cutting down on my meds. My GP was horrified as although she knows I have white coat syndrome, my readings in the surgery are always up to the 200/s over 90 but I went ahead all the same.
I cut down a month at a time, and am no longer taking any medication at all, my weekly average (I test every morning about 10am before my morning coffee but after my breakfast) and for the last couple of months the weekly average in 132/84.
I took my list of readings to my last appointment but was given a huge lecture about the dangers of stopping my pills and threats of heart attacks and strokes. I was given a prescription for all my previous pills which I have not filed yet. This scared me rigid and my BP this morning has shot up to 186/95.
I am now stressed to pieces and uncertain what to do - I suppose I could go back onto these tablets and keep testing for another month or so - or should I continue without them and see if I regain my 'normal' readings?