A month ago my BP readings where averaging 145/101 and I was on 2.5 ramipril, after going to the doctors as it gave me a really irritating cough I decided to stop taking it and change my lifestyle, I’ve cut back on alcohol and have become more active, for the last week my reading have come down to 125/79..not perfect but a lot better than they where
Change in lifestyle: A month ago my BP... - High Blood Pressu...
Change in lifestyle

its looking good and low enough not to be on blood pressure medication too. very well done. I had the cough when i first started the amlodipine 5mg but it went away after a few weeks it was very annoying. im so pleased for you. love grace xoxo
Thankyou ☺️ I also found the ramipril gave me anxiety, fingers crossed I won’t have to go back on the meds, I’m only 40 so would rather try and lower my BP through lifestyle than be on medication for the rest of my life, I’m currently under investigation for my kidneys to so I just hope it’s all not linked xx
yes they are horrible things but look at this chart your doing so well. keep it up. google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=...
Thanks again ❤️ xx
Its good to hear that you have managed to get the BP down,I would like to do same as not keen on medication either as I have to take statins also
There is a special diet you can follow called the DASH diet that is specifically for lowering blood pressure, I bought a couple of books on it, google it, there’s plenty of information about it, a lot of it is common sense really, I hated taking the statins, I don’t like taking tablets at the best of time x
I had heard of the dash diet but didnt know it was to help high blood pressure. here is a 7 day menu for anyone starting out and doesnt have the book.
I bought my book from amazon, it’s called dash diet for beginners think it was about £6 xx