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oral thrush asexual fungi infection under the microscope🔬

19 Replies

Well I got my antibiotics steroids BUT do I need to take them.

Having looked under my microscope 🔬 at my mucus THERE is something going on.

But am no expert SO what I have learnt is INFECTION caused bad acid and sore throat and swelling.

Thrush I think loves GASTRIC ACID and sugers guess like any yeast infection.

Well that’s if it is ... anyway THUS far 90% of my symptoms have subsided with NYSTAN oral suspension.

Clearly am still not right but would I be in one day ALSO put my mucus samples in with gp labs so waiting for response.

that’s why did not start my antibiotics steroids as doctor wanted mucus sample with best chance to culture something.

If I still don’t feel right after today’s submitted samples ALL be taking my antibiotics steroids.

So the lesson IS don’t ignore Oral Thrush.


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19 Replies
andyrrc profile image

My meds have been changed to remove the steroid elements for exactly this issue. Every time I took a dry powder inhaler that contained steroid I ended up with oral thrush despite using a 1% iodine based mouth wash/gargle and it ain't nice.

in reply to andyrrc

I never really took it serious just use to rinse my mouth with 💦 but after my last event can be quite disstreesing incapacitating.

Think all be more proactive in the future.

andyrrc profile image
andyrrc in reply to andyrrc

The iodine solution I use is a diluted version of the brown wash that surgeons use on the skin just before they cut you open - after about 30 seconds any nasties in the region are gone. I tried to buy it in the UK but it was not available. I tried iodine proper and diluted to around 1% but it tasted terrible so waited until I got back here to buy it and now I take a bottle every time I return to the UK.

in reply to andyrrc

Hi not sure iodine is best mouth wash really DID read can rot your throyde.

andyrrc profile image
andyrrc in reply to

It does have its down sides yes but when you really need to get rid of something nasty it is very quick, easy and effective. Just need to switch it for some thing else sometimes. The stuff I use is Betadine and is specifically produced as a mouthwash version along with other strengths for other applications like clean wounds etc.

in reply to andyrrc

Hi defo agree about getting rid of stuff quick.

Glad ya cautious with iodine use cant be to careful

Pam1952 profile image

Hi Jeff. There's a Corsodyl with an anti-fungal in it which is quite effective. XXX

in reply to Pam1952

Hi Cheers going to have to sort something.

Pam1952 profile image
Pam1952 in reply to

I had it a while ago and felt quite ill with it. The Nystan helped and the Corsodyl has kept it away. XXX

in reply to Pam1952

Hi cheers am going to get some DEFO agree makes you ill .. still dont feell great SO don't know if to start antibiotcs steriods or just see how feel tomoz.

Decisions defo not my strong poit

Pam1952 profile image
Pam1952 in reply to

Why don't you give it a couple of hours, and then see how you feel. XXX

Caspiana profile image

I hope you feel better soon Hidden . Take good care. xx 🌻

in reply to Caspiana

Hi Caspiane cheers n thanks n yer hope so too

SquirrelsHolt profile image

OMG.......,JAS, when it rains it has a blooming monsoon with poor you eh?

Yeast infections are happy in most warm places and nipping them in the bud so to speak,is vital before they go ballistic. Easily treated with our friends/enemy, AB's but when you put that on top of all the other medication we take,I do wonder if they struggle to be 100% effective? What do you think. You know so much more than the "average man", what with your medical lab and microscope, I'm interested to hear if you think our bodies dont respond anymore to certain AB's as we've used my them time and time again over the years? Either way,I'm interested to hear what your opinion is.

in reply to SquirrelsHolt

Hi Am just speculating really as to cause but explained why I was suffering from acid wile on antibiotics.

I guess fungi can build up AB resistance.

As to thrush caused bad acid and reflux and that as we know is bad for lung health .... so all be watching for that as it luvs gastric juices.

As to humans and antibiotics I don’t think it’s our consumption that’s issue resistance.

Most cases are found on farms and in feed THATs what makes factory farming possible.

Like humans animals are not apost to live in close proximity to each other AS that’s how dieases are formed spread.

In hospital most cases of Mrsa are farm agricultural in origin.

I live in inercity and nearest I come to farm is opening pack of beef burgers 🍔.

longlungs profile image

hi JeffAjaxSmith I use oil of oregano it is my first port of call as soon as i get any symptoms of a cold or dodgy chest it is also excellent for all fungi problems aswell as a very good antibiotic,it kills viral and bacterial infections.You must use one that has at least 85% Carvacrol this is the important part.I make a mouthwash and capsules for when needed.My whole family now use it.If you have a look on the internet first and research a little you might well like to try. I know some who are able to just drop it under their tongue tried that once and oh boy not for me it is potent and gets quite warm phewyyy! I personally dont like the flavour but thats me and Iam a chicken.

Panic stinks and sadly because we have breathing issues it can bring panic on so easily.We have to talk to our brains seriously and take back control although that feels hard to do but we are a very strong bunch we live with this debilitating disease for years, which to survive we have to fight and we all do so very well.Panic attacks knock on my door most days and i have my ritual that i go through and im happy to say that they might knock but i no longer allow them to stay .Its not easy that overwhelming adrenalin rush of fear that washes through your body in a second is so scary but remember its all mental which means we can control. I wish you well with it all. Janex

Dragonmum profile image
Dragonmum in reply to longlungs

Hi Jane, long time no see & was thinking of you just a day or so ago. I remember a massive post on here a couple of years back when we were discussing the benefits of a certain herb and I wondered if you are still taking it and if the benefits have continued? I believe there was some mention of turpentine gum too which was claimed to be anti-fungal and might help JAS too. Hope you are well - you sound upbeat which is nice to see. Take care, hope family all well.

longlungs profile image
longlungs in reply to Dragonmum

Hello Dragonmum lovely to hear from you how the devil are you? It has been a long time unfortunately life threw some serious curve balls my way and as is my way I go into hibernation mode until such time I can deal with the living again. Im almost there Im happy to say.Life can be a real bitch sometimes lol.

The wonderful green stuff yes I take every day it helps me in every way.If I have to go without my health nose dives fairly quickly.My fev1 had improved from 24% to 34% approx.

The last couple of readings I havnt wanted to know the numbers I over think terribly.What I can say is that everytime i visit the docs they have been doubling my Bp meds which I didnt believe.I only go to the docs when they threaten to cut off my meds.I have lost my faith in them.I bought my own machine and my Bp is 115/73 most days at the docs 180/90-100+ white coat syndrome i think but they are not acknowledging this? hey ho I think the green stuff has defo helped there.Also i had to have one of those eeg with Dobutamine I had to laugh afterwards they couldnt find my heart as my lungs were so covering it no matter how the tech swung my body round they never got to see it ? Their response was the beat was regular so all good the idea was to look at arteries they were furring up. they have concluded that i no longer have heart issues? happy days now is this the green stuff also i dont know iam also now taking serraptese and Ubiquinol and vit D .I no longer take statins have read too many bad reports.my count is high but we need a highish count as we get older and statins kill off good aswell as bad. Also I dont know that it has been proven that high count actually causes heart attacks? The green helps everything I fancy not a cure my lungs are down to my ankles but i do breathe better and i havnt gone down hill havnt had any exacerbations either dont take steroids havnt for many years now or the steroid pumps.So im pretty darn healthy really.My biggest downfall is exercise i just cant seem to motivate myself enough really annoy myself.Mentally Im as mad as a box of frogs the green helps this to but i also have meds.

My family is probably like most others up and down the boys are have been nightmares I think we're getting through it ;-0 !

Bailey my dog is great he is a scaredy cat but adorable i love him to pieces.

Poor Gertie had to be retired ahhh so big Bertha arrived roof aswell oh good i thought go out in all weathers. Sadly shes too fat to fit in my local waitrose we can get in but getting out is velly difficult plus if i had to go backwards she bleeped loudly.So she sadly sits on her own rarely used.

Bet you wished you hadnt asked me how things were Dragonmum lol.

The best thing ive bought recently are big knickers they are just the best things ever. :-)

Keepwell breatheasy Janexxx

Dragonmum profile image
Dragonmum in reply to longlungs

Am so glad I did ask you Jane, found your reply interesting, very informative and, as usual, quite hilarious in parts - ie big, bad Bertha. I have White Coat Syndrome without doubt - my BP is off the wall in the doc's, but when an experienced and very sympathetic nurse took it the figures dropped to 148/84 within 15 minutes, normal for me is 140/80, so allowed for a bit of stress. (195/95 when I went in). We're a funny lot but I have a Doctor friend and she reckons she's getting it since she's been semi-retired. Hope things continue to go well for you, and keep taking the green stuff xx

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