Well i took plung and started using Efag to stop smoking.
On my fluid it says VAPEs To Bring You Back From The Dead.
I can't beluve how much better have felt BUT out of breath more.
Well i have been coughing lots and lots mucus sputom GUESS its lungs clearing them self.
Anyway is still discoserting when coughing up chunks of lung inflamation BOTTOM right picture.
Whys lung inflamation look like mass of round blobs.
Also as lung contain air WHY do thay only go black when leave body via coughed up BOTTOM left of picfure.
Top LEFT & RIGHT of picture is farm fresh .. Coughed up lung tissues showing formation of lung scar tissue fibrosis and chronic inflammation.
Why dose lung inflamatiin start of black LIKE i have noticed when lung tissue leases the body and meets air.
Some say its loss of blood surply as go's black so rapid.
So what is it about oxygen inflamation and blood AND why cant lung diesee be reversed engineered