Hi Everyone,
75yo! SF, CA | Kaiser Had RT two years ago...with an acute post radiation response which I was told would pass. Urination was particularly painful and frequent. I have been on Flomax since then, which did not mitigate the pain or frequency issues...but continued becasue of Dr. encouragement that it would sort itself out. Fired that doctor. New Urologist is better BUT didn't address the issue until a scan revealed irritation/damage to my bladder. She blew off the cyticis diagnosis as I didn't have the entire menu of symptoms. She put me on Mirabegron [$100/month] and the painful urination issue has lessened considerably. But the frequency issue has not. Last night, I woke up 5x to pee...sometimes a lot, sometimes a wee bit. Yesterday, I wee'd every two hours...while its not painful like before, its a drag. Solutions consist of: kegal exercises | accupressure | simply hold out.
Anyways, I'm seeking advice and wondering what the future might look like for me.