Hi, I was in hospital just before Christmas, and then discharged with an initial diagnosis of unstable angina. Told I need an angiogram (most likely to be done in the spring) and a follow up appointment with cardio team.
As I hadn't heard anything I phoned the cardio team number last week. Quite dismayed to learn that the angiogram won't be until July at the earliest, that's 7 months after I was in hospital.
Also got a letter giving me a cardio appointment next February 2026. An astounding 14 months later.
Is this normal ?
I've seen my GP since I came out of hospital, who was supportive and reassuring. But basically tells me not to stress.
I feel I have a constant low level anxiety at all times, and am snappy. I get chest pains occasionally GTN spray helps, but am breathless a lot of the time. Least thing sets it off.
Any words of wisdom?