I definitely have a upper respiratory infection. Should i see the doctor as this afternoon i had to take my GTN spray for the first time since March last year.
This is the 2nd chest infection ive had in 4 months.
I definitely have a upper respiratory infection. Should i see the doctor as this afternoon i had to take my GTN spray for the first time since March last year.
This is the 2nd chest infection ive had in 4 months.
see your doctor. Chest infection is probably not heart condition related.
See your GP to get checked out. I thought I had a chest infection several years ago with mild chest pains when I was recovering from a bad cold, had it checked out, and it turned out I had had an NSTEMI and here I am.
If in doubt, get checked out!
I’d get it checked out I thought I had a chest infection October 2022 especially as Covid was about again.
This January I had a triple bypass and mitral valve repair.
I was told by the consultant cardiologist that heart issues manifest themselves in many ways especially infections, discomfort and pain, I had only experienced discomfort and it passed after a week or two and I only went to my doctor as a precautionary measure as I had experienced a severe case if Covid during the pandemic.
He also told me that the NHS is well aware of the amount of people who have cardiovascular disease and either ignore it, dismiss it or even after visiting a doctor carry on as usual as did I because I was and am thankfully fit and “healthy”.
His rider was although it was going to be over 2 years to my operation then the operation should be preventative and get me back to a normal life, a lot of people it’s either too late or more severe damage occurs.
Ive just been to the doctors and had a thorough examination which im happy with. She says from the sounds in my chest its quite a deep bacterial infection in my left lung and rhe pain i had would be due to that rather than my heart. I think she is right becuase i am coughing up a lot of very thick gunk and my chest is really rattling on the left side when i breath deeply.
The sounds from my heart appear normal as do my bp and O2 levels. Ive got a course of antibiotics. I tend to think this infevtion has been brought on by inhaling fumes at work again as the diesel fumes in the train shed were really bad on Monday as someone turned off the fume wxtraction because they felt cold!
are you coughing up phlegm ? If it is coloured or blood present them you really need a doctor quickly. Coloured = possible bacterial infection. Blood can mean a lot of serious things .
It is always wise to see a GP if you have a chest infection. You might need antibiotics to clear this, if bacterial.