Long story. I'm 41 and had experienced frequent ectopics 6 years ago. At the time, heart was fine and I was told it wasn't a problem and not to worry. Fast forward to April last year and I'm so tired, anxious all the time and feeling pretty ill. Turns out my ectopic burden is now 50% and I have heart failure with EF of 36%.
All scans are clear - no heart disease or abnormal structures; the ventricular wall is still of normal thickness. Given all of this 'theoretically' if the ectopics are stopped, my heart could heal in time. Left ventricle is severely dilated.
Cardiology and electrophysiology concluded that it was caused by ectopic beats and I need an ablation. They will enter via my femoral artery and it could take at least 5 hours because of the location of the beats.
I've read loads about atrial fibrillation ablation - in and out, not knocked out, via wrist or femoral vein, but nothing about what I'm waiting for. Is there anyone there who has had what I'm getting?
The procedure has a better success rate than af but there are obviously more risks given the location.
I'm terrified. I can't think of anything else, and I'm stuck like ground hog day, unable to plan ahead.
Apologies for the long post, I just feel very lost.