hi not regarding heart questions. But I have a heart problem. The question is I have to get hip surgery on first of April. I have a holiday booked for 11th March. But they said i shouldn’t fly 6 weeks before surgery. Has anyone else been told this?
travel : hi not regarding heart... - British Heart Fou...

Hi George6969, if you don't mind me asking, which company provided travel insurance with a pacemaker and a defibrillator? I'm struggling to get insurance. I hope you are keeping well.
If you have been advised not to fly six weeks before your hip operation there will be a clinical reason which will be likely to ensure any risks are minimised all to protect your well being However you could contact the orthopaedic team who are doing your operation to establish what the reason is and confirm whether it is absolutely necessary. If it is you could explore the possibility of a postponement.
Hi it’s to minimise the chance of dvt witch i understand. I have cancelled the holiday. But I lost the £1000 pounds i paid for it
It seems that advice on the length of the non-flying period varies, but if you had flown on March 11 that was little more than three weeks before your op, and your flight back (after seven, ten, fourteen days?) would have been far too close to it.
Yes you are correct. Was meant to be 7 day . But I have cancelled to be on the safe side. The problem is I have had 2 previous dates and they have been cancelled for various reasons. So there’s no guarantee this 1 will happen. And I have lost my £1000 for the holiday because it’s to sort notice
It is maybe something to do with your specific heart condition as I have heart issues - flew mid Jan and had hip replaced 3 weeks ago. Wasn't told anything about not flying preop...I know someone who is flying back today and having new hip on Monday?
I haven't had hip replacement however my friend had one last year and was given same advice as you not to fly for 6 weeks before and after. If you went against consultants advice your insurance would probably be invalid. Good luck with the op. You'll feel much better after.
Yes my 49yr old son in law was told exactly the same when he had his hip replacement last year. No flying 6weeks before or after op.
Yes just my luck I should have not booked anything but they have messed me about for so long I thought it would have be ok . I have had 2 previous dates cancelled let hope it goes ahead this time. As I have lost my £1000 i paid for holiday . Ps thanks for reply