I have been on bisoprolol (and ramipril) since my heart attack 2013. Recent PVCs & palpitations plus an A&E visit a year ago, eventually gave me an appointment with cardiologist. Apparently I have stage 1 heartblock but I have to have a 7 day event recorder to assess whether this is going into stage 2. Still waiting on this appointment, however since my appointment when the cardiologist took me off bisoprolol (I believe he said that they don't use it anymore) my health has taken a turn for the worse. Constant PVCs, I feel quite unwell, and just a short trip upstairs will have my heartrate at 122. Although it gradually goes down its still in the 90s. I was that worried a few nights ago I called 999. I was visited by an NHS paramedic who did all the tests, of course only one PVC occurred ! He was not sure if the removal of bisoprolol was the culprit of my new symptoms of high blood pressure and high heart rate. Call with GP today & she advised that maybe its the stage 1 heartblock that was the reason to take me off bisoprolol, but obviously she is not a cardiologist. I wanted to ask the cardiologist if I could recommence bisoprolol until he has results of 7day recorder however he is not in the office again until Monday, when his secretary will make him aware of my difficulties. It seems coincidental that I feel so much worse after stopping bisoprolol, which was stopped at half dose for a week and then removed completely. Its now just over a week since I have not had any of this drug. Can anyone advise as looking on BHF it seems that bisoprolol is usually prescribed after a heart attack and usually continued for life.
Bisoprolol: I have been on bisoprolol... - British Heart Fou...

Hi, you have been on bisoprolol for many years and as many others have experienced coming off them can present challenges particularly anxiety as in my case..I was only on them for 8 months following a heart attack in April last year until December but even now I am pretty anxious and am pinning that on bisoprolol withdrawal. My resting heart rate was down in the 30's overnight and 40's in the day when on 2.5mg daily, now 50's and 60's off them, I've just had a 24 hour monitor to see what's what post bisoprolol and awaiting the results. I will then get to discuss with cardiologist and agree any necessary tweaks to medication. I also picked up AFib in the summer which has recently been cleared by Amiodarone but that's a whole new can of worms that I won't bore you with, also a GP ecg a couple of weeks back noted noted 1st degree heart block but no one has discussed that with me as yet. Good luck with whatever becomes the best way forward.
Thank you for your input. I hope you get some answers too. Waiting a year for cardiologist as they 'missed me' did not help, but I suppose I should have asked in my brief 10min appointment what might be the result of coming off these and why I was coming off them. That much to try to remember and say in such a brief time.
Hi Victor Meldrew53
I was referred last July for heart surgical procedure. Found out in Dec no priority has been put on it. Should have been an R3 and was treated as can wait for ever and a day R6😩 With some help from my Senior Arrythmia nurse she got it expedited to Jan 2025
I’d ask for your cardiologist secretary and hassle her.
I’ve got 2 secretary numbers, several Arrythmia numbers, my cardiac monitor implant contact number. I can message them via my health care app. Some times they don’t come back so I call until I can speak to someone rather than leave messages. but I only use them when necessary. I’ve got to know better times to call. Your hospital switchboard can given you the number rather than pit you through.
Good luck
Hi RF260
Do you by any chance have low blood pressure ?
Hi, well that's interesting , I think it's a bit on the low side , typically on home monitor it's about 115/65, however I do suffer "white coat syndrome" so when in a medical setting it's always higher, had annual review at GP last week and was 128/80 and they said fine but don't want it to go any higher..I do wonder if some of my dizziness is due to it going a bit low at times..
Hi RF260
All beta and calcium blockers work to lower BP, mines low and all made mine lower like you 96/68
I’m currently on Degoxin as everything else doesn’t work nor does this but I don’t feel out of it anymore. I spent a year feeling intoxicated 24/7 loosing balance especially getting up. Just taking food from a supermarket trolley across to the conveyor belt I’d have to hold on.
Thanks, I had 24 hour holter earlier this week to check heart rate now not on bisoprolol, I assume will be called into discuss results in next few weeks and at that point I will suggest/request an alternative to Amlodopine based on my "real world" blood pressure and not those taken a few times a year in a medical setting..I've also lost 10 kilos in the last year and 10mg Amlodopine and 10 mg Ramipril daily may be ott..
Well done with the weight loss it’s not easy. Having been there yo yoing.
My Arrythmia nurse says give a week then if you don’t hear anything call them.
I have my hospital app any letters communication is always on there.
If I’d waited for the post I would have missed my last op as letter arrived 2 days late and was sent 23 days previous. If you insist they can email despite saying they don’t do it.
I have 3 hospitals on my app
Some are recently coming on line others have been on for years
Good luck
I was on bisoprolol 1/2 tablet I was told to come off as not working I took my time to come off it gradually reducing over 8 days then ended up in A&E for 2 days cold Turkey then I was ok till they put me on a different beta blocker 😧
Had the same side effects as you now off all beta blockers which also lowered my low blood pressure. Was not easy
Doctors just prescribe and stop betablockers following standard procedures but they have no idea how this medication gets a hold of your entire life and changes how your body function. It's a medication that needs rehab to deal with withdrawal symptoms when you stop it. 😩😩
my thread seems to have been taken over for other discussions. I am still interested in hearing re bisoprolol and increased heart rate please