Hello I'm currently on a 24 hour monitor and on the front it says the time and the word recording...does this recording sign just mean it's working? And im worried if i press a button on accident it's recording my conversations. I have severe mental illnesses and being recorded is one thing i get paranoid about..do they usually say they are recording when wearing one please? Also I have supraventricular tachycardia and sinus tachycardia but I also have a lot of chest pains which I have wrote on my symptom diary thing and the pains sometimes go into my upper back and down my left arm and into my fingers on both hands but usually more the left hand...does this sound like angina please? And will the 24 hour recording pick up angina? Thank you for reading.
24 hour monitor : Hello I'm currently... - British Heart Fou...
24 hour monitor

I imagine the “recording” you mention probably means that the machine is recording what’s going on in your heart, not recording your voice.
But I think if you are anxious about it you need to speak to the person who asked you to use it.
As far as your other enquiry goes, we on this forum are not medical people and the rules of the forum forbid us from trying to diagnose a condition.
If you go to the British heart foundation website you will find how to speak to a cardiac nurse and their opening hours.
It can't record anything other that heart
Hi, There's no way it can record your conversations. It doesn't have a microphone. What it records are the electrical impulses that it then interprets into heart beat patterns if that makes sense. Please don't worry, it couldn't record your conversations if it tried. I totally get your anxiety, but just think of this is a beat recorder. Sometimes when you have an ECG it is so brief that it doesn't always pick any odd beats up so that it why they do longer recordings. I always worried that I would press one of the buttons and accidentally stop it recording but even after having four such monitors, this never happened. Good luck
I second this, it can't record your voice and the display was the same on my monitor. It means it's working so don't press any buttons. Don't forget to write down times of any pain or other symptoms. It's important to get your additional back and arm pains checked out with your GP if you haven't told them about these already.
It's recording an occurrence in your heart even a slightly missed beat picks up. Nothing to do with recording talk. You cannot alter anything by accident,or design xx
All the monitor will do is record your heart rate, it cannot pickup conversations because there is no microphone. I am fairly certain it cannot record pain either. Just make a note of the time of any pain you get, together with what you were doing at the time and hand it in when you return the monitor. Keep a copy before you part with the original. Some monitors have a button to press when you feel any pain but if you are not happy doing this then ignore it and just hand in your notes.
It only records your heart rate. It's like a constant ECG for 24 hours, Nothing else. There's o reason you should press any buttons. I never have and I've slept on the thing. If any of the press studs on the electrodes come loose just push them back on. It can show if any heart rhythm coincides with your pain and whether there's anything abnormal.
Hi, it definitely doesn't record your voice, i have had a few of these holter monitors over the past few years, some worn 24 hours and some up to 5 days, it records your heart only, you get a log book/sheet to write down any events your feeling/having such as breathlessness, pain, discomfort etc... some monitors will have a button on the monitor, for you to press when you are having any events and also to log it down, all the information in booklet will tell you what to do and how to use your monitor so you will no whether you leave it to record your heart or to press any buttons, if your still not sure then there should be a number for you to call and enquire.
Sorry reply meant for peahenny