Hi I had a 24 hr ecg in June due to collapsing while out and my BP dropped quite significantly I was taken to the local hospital were I was kept for most of the day after several tests etc i was allowed home as they said they thought it was classic fainting !! however they decided to do a 24hr ecg which as I said above i had in June and still no results? I previous had a ha in 2019 !!has anyone any idea how long results take ? Thank u
24 hour ecg: Hi I had a 24 hr ecg in... - British Heart Fou...
24 hour ecg

varies by region! Through the NHS website you should be able to get waiting times. Not very easy to navigate through , though!
Or your PALS at the hospital? (Patient Advisory Liaison Servicd)
Morning. I had 34 hour ECG about 6 weeks ago was told could be waiting 12 weeks for results hope all good for you
Its worth politely chasing for results as at the least it will give them a nudge or equally likely the results are known but not yet transmitted.
It's horrible when have to wait especially when your heart is involved,I started having heart issues last July, I have learned that if really bad they will be in touch immediately and if not life threatening you have to wait for results
Hello Chrissydoll I had a Holder on for 24 hours more than two weeks ago, they said i would receive them by two weeks. Still waiting. I will let you know how long I have to wait. My BP went up and my heart rate went very low . On going Ectopic' s too. Takecare.
Thanks for replying-my pulse keeps going into the low 40 s -but i never have a high pulse but higher than that but not over 60 at any time really unless of course I m excersising -ie walking which I do most days .it was very low and my BP was the day I collapsed while out -however hopefully I will get the results soon -n as they say no news is good news eh 😀
A Holder I meant.
Hi Chrissydoll I just called the Cardiology Clinic, when they had told me two weeks to wait after my ECG. I found out and now they are saying 4 to 6 weeks to wait. My pulse is usually around 60 but my heart rate had went to as low as 36. I thought it was not usually as low. Also, blood pressure went to being low.
I struggle to understand why the NHS continues to offer holter monitors that require a hospital visit and staff time. When my wife was told that she would have to wait months to access a 24hr NHS test, we decided to go down the private route. The fact that previous one/three day holter monitors had shown nothing of significance was I admit a factor in our decision.
A fourteen day holter monitor cost £400. It was delivered/collected by courier. It was easy to fit the chest patch and the very small monitor. The monitor was collected on a Tuesday; received by the provider 2 days later, and the AI interpreted results were available for cardiac review the following Monday.
This prolonged test confirmed to doctors that they needed to fit an ILD. A month after the device was fitted, it detected a significant event which led to an emergency hospital admission following review of the ILD trace. An ECG taken on admission was normal. My wife was subsequently fitted with a 2 lead pacemaker: 5 years after her first episode of syncope/collapse.
Twenty four hour holter monitoring is not good at detecting occasional but significant heart-related events.
I was told I would get the results in about 5 weeks. I rang the department after 8 weeks and was told that they were very behind with typing up reports . The report was sent to me/my GP eventually after about 12 weeks. I think it depends on which hospital you are attending. Good luck
Awe thanks -just seems a long time rang hospital they said results r bk but they could nt tell me over the phone (which is fine )but had been sent to gp -checked their yes n they said not got them yet ?? I was at Lancaster infirmary -will try again next wk if nothing will get them to chase the hospital up thanks for relying
After three falls with injuries and recurring incidents, I am still waiting for assessment by the cardiology team of the NHS. Fortunately, two incidents happened at work, I work in the hospital, so I received immediate attention. However, follow up assessment has never been done.
I've resolved to getting by knowing that at any point in time I will require acute cardiac intervention which might prompt me getting the treatment required.
They are assessing your tests, this can take a while as they will look at all your meds and how they have affected you. Quite possibly they will call you for further tests or a consultion.
Hi Chrissy doll. I had a 24 hour ecg. The Cardiologist Clinic at the reception told me 2 weeks, I called them just a few days ago. I asked if the results were back. They then said it will now be 4-6 weeks. I should have went private and received them, On the same day. Take care.
Hi Chrissy doll, it is annoying when they tell you one thing and then another. I have heard someone was told, that they lost their results. It is a bit of a shambles. Hopefully we we both receive our results sooner rather than later. Take care.
Yes we hope so, for us and other people, who may also be waiting. Take care.
Hi Chrissydoll. I did get my ECG results through, the Doctor is calling me next week. Let you know what happens, it was only just under 3 weeks, so not as bad as I thought I was told. Take care.
Hi again that is a long time to wait. I hope you hear back very soon, let me know take care.
Hi Chrissy doll I had my results back from my Holter, the Go called but wants to contact my Cardiologist again, who I saw earlier this year and discharged me. The Go wants me to do readings at home regarding my blood pressure for 5 days and a blood test. Hope you are well, let you know when I hear back and results.