A 64 year old man who took over or local hardware/ car parts shop told me of his recent experience. He had a heart attack on November 5th,was blue lighted to hospital and ended up having a quadruple by pass. He returned to his shop on January 5th much to the delight of us locals. His only concession is that he now opens at 10 a.m so that he can take his dog for a long walk first. His only medication is aspirin!
Good CABG outcome: A 64 year old man... - British Heart Fou...
Good CABG outcome

Just in case any "newbies" to the club are puzzled, I am very sure he is maybe confused regarding his medication - he will without doubt be on more than just Aspirin, or he is not taking what has been prescribed.
I'm sorry but I can't quite get my head round this. If he was blue lighted on Nov 5th presumably he didn't have a quadruple bypass on the day of admission. If he did, to be back running a shop after walking his dog and with all the physical aspects of his shop I find it incredible. I had a AVR and single CABG on Sept 25th and I certainly couldn't go back to work yet, some days I struggle to do anything. And to be just on aspirin, amazing!!
As someone who experienced that same scenario aged 59, eg. heart attack, blue light & CABG x 4 I find his story very hard to believe!
amazing but we all heal differently and a lot depends on how people were before their surgery. I had a cabgx3 end of October and am progressing well but no way I could go back to work yet and I still have a lot of pain. Your report above will give great encouragement to many though so thank you for sharing
mmmmmm ?????
Obviously a whole lot of info missing , type of heart attack (presumably nstemi) , cause of heart attack ( presume blockages not suitable for stents), any damage to heart ? How fit and strong subject was prior to heart attack ? Reasons why the protocols of statin, beta blocker, ACE, PPI for 12 months weren’t followed in this case ?
I made a great recovery from my nstemi and quadruple bypass surgery , after 2-3 months I was certainly very mobile and quite independent. No description of what his duties at the shop are . Good on him if he’s managing . The missing info would be helpful to make it more credible for the majority of hearties. I’ve come across similar stories on the hip replacement FB group where some report they were walking normally 24 hours post surgery , certainly not my experience or that the majority 🤣🤣.
it is good to hear a positive story