Following OHS surgery 2 years ago I am on a Coctail of pills that include Bisoprolol, Candesarten and Apixaban. I have found my libido had fallen through the floor. I'm 66. Is this a result of my age, the pills or relational indifference. My partner is still very much interested in sex but I'm just going through the motions and maintaining an erection is difficult. I know those is usually a difficult subject to discuss but interested to hear what other 'heart issue' folks have to say
Pills and Libido: Following OHS surgery... - British Heart Fou...
Pills and Libido

Go talk to your GP who might be able to help. It is possible your cardio health might be responsible for your ED, but you owe it to your partner as well as yourself to find out what the likely cause is, and at least improve things temporarily as required
I am female and 86 so what do I know. However I used to be someone who enjoyed that part of my relationship and do know sex can be strenuous and that with a heart condition I would be nervous an orgasm it might over exert my heart and cause an unpleasant reaction. In other words your problem might just be psychological. I am only suggesting it so that you can talk about it with your doctor and get reassurance. Please don’t all have a laugh at me. but then, why not, laughter is known to release stress so laugh away. Happy New Year everyone. 🤣
Don't see why it should be difficult to talk about. I would say:
1. Very likely not age related, I am also 66, no further comment
2. Not sure what you mean by relational indifference but is this anything to do with heart disease or you feelings for your partner given their reported interest?
3. In my experience you have hit the nail on the head it is most likely the Bisoprolol. Go have a chat with your GP you might not even need to be on it, I certainly wasn't, they dish it out like smarties. Basically it's designed to do just what you don't need in this department, I believe there are recent investigations into whether this (awful for me) drug is overprescribed. Don't get me wrong depending on your current heart condition you may need to be on it to relieve stress on your heart. On the other hand if your heart is undamaged you may not need to be on it - speak to GP. It will certainly knock the hell out of your erection in my experience, which will also put a dent in your libido.
Can't comment much more as your bio is a bit sparse on info - good luck though. Just remember it's a bit like keeping a bouncy castle up in the air while running the pump on a low voltage?
Hi Stentsandrun. I'm 54, female & on bisop - initially 2.5, after OHS in 2020; I stayed on 1.25 of it because my migraines disappeared! and am still on 1.25. But I wonder: in your experience, how much bisoprolol is too much? when it comes to libido? I am now also on HRT which is helping a lot.
In my experience, any is too much! Horrible drug, for people who don't actually need it, as I suspect is quite a lot. HRT is known to boost libido, which I can also back up with personal experience.
I have the same issue over the last 28 months. I'm post liver transplant (7yrs) so not exactly the same) and got my GP to do a testosterone test. Results were very low - they said with the cocktail of meds I'm on, it's not surprising. However, my liver team don't recommend taken supplementary hormones for transplant patients. I'm 73.
If it is the Bisoprolol, then Nebivolol might be an alternative that could actually improve erectile function. A quick google of Nebivolol and erectile disfunction will give you the science behind it, but it is vasodilating, which can improve blood flow to the required parts.
bisoprolol is normally the culprit. A wretched drug to come off of too. Definitely seek advice before you stop it. Recent studies show no benefit in taking it after 1 year for those who have had an MI.
My consultant said I probably don’t need it now, I’m only on 1.25mg but found if I stopped taking it for a couple of days my heart rate increased , felt as though my energy was in in my chest , didn’t feel planted or grounded. As I had recently been through hip replacement surgery I went back on Bisoprolol, one less thing to worry about and I focused on hip rehab.
Thinking of having another go at quitting bisoprolol , then I’ll be on half a 1.25 tablet of ramipirl , pantoprazole, aspirin and 10mg Rosuvastatin .
Be very careful weening off of it. My advice would be to cut your small 1.25mg tablet into quarters. Remove a quarter each month. Your body slowly adjusts that way. When you are on your last quarter and have got to the end of that month, then take the small quarter every other day for 2 weeks. Then stop.
Do not fear heart bounce. Not not wear a watch. Trust your body and how you feel. It’s normal for your body to be experiencing the small adrenaline rushes that you MAY experience.
I honestly believe that the more you focus on the side effects of coming off of bisoprolol the more you will experience them. Watches do not help.
Also it’s very important to get your heart rate up to an elevated level by brisk walking. This will help your heart no end when it comes to adjusting to life without bisoprolol.
Thanks Munners , will try and cut the little pill up , I have a pill cutter. Hopefully they won’t turn to dust ! I do wear a Garmin as I train , I get my heart rate up by swimming , cycling and other activities. It’s not the numbers that made me go back on the biso, just the way i felt. It was more than I could cope with having had the hip surgery. Will give it an another go with this approach. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Blood thinners will cause ED.
All the best.
I wonder do blood thinners affect women also?! I'm on a daily aspirin.
hi I have similar problems I still want sex but it doesn’t work but my wife isn’t interested anymore I did get viagra which helped but made me feel lightheaded. Iv not had sex for at least 2 years
Hello, Bobkins99. There is a difference between Libido (sex drive) and Erection Dysfunction. However, one can affect the other. When I was on the betablocker Bisoprolol for a year after my CABG Op, it did affect my ED, but it never affected my mental Libido. Lots of heart and blood pressure medicines can cause ED, too. Mine is somewhat affected by 2 medicines for my prostate, though some alternative supplements do help me.
Hi just wondering which prostate drugs. I used to take Tamsulosin but it gave me retrograde orgasm now on finasteride and can’t get an erection. Really frustrating as my libido is as strong as ever.
Hello, Class 53. For Benign Prostate Hyperplasia, I have been on Tamsulosin for 18 months, and Finasteride Controlled Release for 15 months. The Tamsulosin made erections more difficult, and made ejaculation rare. Nevertheless, the Finasteride seems to have made full erections more frequent. My erections seem to be helped by Pine Pollen Capsules, and Turkey Tail Mushroom Extract Capsules, though best look up any unwanted interactions with prescribed medications.
Same issues and younger.
Will watch this thread with interest.
ditto your issues I came off bisoprolol and had a slight slight improvement. GP had blood tests done before Christmas and testosterone is very low
I was on viagra but it had to stop when I went onto isosorbide mono nitrate (engine)
Apparently the two can be a lethal combination ( I love sex but not enough to die for 😁)
I’m seeing the doctors again in January to consider Tostran gel. I have used this in tge past and it was brilliant…. Alas I had some blood issues that it caused and they stopped prescribing
I wish you well and success but never give up
After my valve replacement and CABG I was put on Bisoporsol but fortunately haven't had any issues if anything my wife says there has been an improvement. I have tried Viagra in the past, didn't work for me, gave me the worst headache ever.
I would go to see your GP about this. I did some years ago and my wife went with me. I get Sildenafil on prescription which works okay for me with the other medication that I am prescribed. I wouldn't take anything without referring to my GP as the balance of medication is important.
I had a discussion with a cardiologist about exactly this same problem. I was about 68 at the time and it did seem likely that she could prescribe it for me. However, it never happened, and now I can't remember why! But these things are so complicated ; I still get the urge but less frequently and my partner is less interested than she used to be. I get frustrated at times but we muddle through.
Join the club I've been like it for years I put it down to the diabetes and tablets
I am 64. Since starting HF meds 5 years ago I have developed Ed. My GP in conjunction with cardioligist prescribed viagra. This works but takes about 4 hours. I researched and blamed bisoprolol. I got changed to Nebivolol. I had to really push for this. I feel it is helping but slowly. After 2 month on Nebivolol, the change is minimal. Hoping it will improve.
This is a more common issue than you might imagine, but also more complex. Without going in to the medical and pharmaceutical aspects, have you considered alternatives to penetrative sex?
Pleasure is an important part of making love and it is absolutely possible to have a mutually satisfying sex life with non-penetrative sexual activities. So maybe some experimentation might be fun?
Hi Bobkins99,
Sorry to hear about your concerns regarding physical intimacy following your OHS. I would suggest that you discuss your concerns both with your partner and your GP as there could be a number of reasons for the dip in your libido.
I’m 64 and had OHS to repair leaks in my mitral and tricuspid valves almost 8 months ago. I take bisoprolol (2.5mg daily) just as a precaution because I had a short episode of atrial fibrillation a few days after my surgery. Although my recovery has been great, the cardiologist advised me to stay on the bisoprolol due to its protective benefits on the heart.
I have always been fit and active and have never had any issues with my libido, so in my case I don’t believe bisoprolol has had any impact.
I hope your enquiries prove successful in finding answers to your questions - stay positive and best wishes.
Doctors and especially nurse practitioners are always prescribing meds without explaining the side effects. And when you discuss side effects they act like there are none. Total BS and all they care about is the blood work and a good range for results. They don’t care about ED or libido. Not a fan! Meds greatly affect your love life.
I had AVR in Feb 24, no issues rapid recovery etc ( keyhole) was prescribed bisprolol and was on 1.25 mg for 6 months. Apart from giving me terrible feelings of dread and bad sleep ( assuming it was that), no other issues. Sexual appetite unchanged and physically all as before.
Suggest it's likely to be quite a complex relationship between age and emotional wellbeing
.Facing .your own finite mortality can and does affect people in ways they' re not always conscious of.. it leaves a mental wound, ...certainly did in my case.. which can show in any manner of physical and mental ways.
I don't think any of us going through the heart drama understands or appreciates it, we re not told and I fairness its highly individual.
This perhaps the root of the problem. Give ig time and absolutely don't get yourself pressured about it. I'm pretty sure you ll feel yourself again in due course.
you need to go and see your GP and ask for a testosterone test in most men as we age the levels drop. My level is very low due to testicular cancer some years ago, I have to use a daily gel to bring the levels up, if it is low you will get lethargic and over time osteoporosis will set in, it causes all sorts of problems.
Hope you get it all sorted out.
I don't think talking about it is a problem, rather the puritans that can take offense at the very thought of anything going on below the waist!
I raised the subject earlier in the year under Libido with a similar range of suggestions. Furthermore, there is another equally difficult subject to discuss, that of gynecomastia or male breast tissue - for believe it or not, that and lack of libido can result from some medicines, including morphine in liquid form, given for chronic pain.
The other medication, in my case and revealed by the specialist I went to regarding libido - or should I say, lack of it, was "Pregabalin" prescribed straight after my open heart surgery and bypass, telling me to get to my doctors, describe the issue and ask to have the medication stopped forthwith, since the use of it was questionable in the first place. (His words to me, for my explicit use and not for general use since all cases are different!)
I had been full of fears of embarrassment prior to the appointment, the specialist being a youngish man with a vast and very practical knowledge of the problem, who addressed the matter full on, in the frankest and most interesting way, that no one could feel uncomfortable or embarrassed at all, especially so since my wife also attended the appointment with me, since it did affect us both.
Once we had been there and realised there was nothing to be embarrassed about, just the treatment of a medical problem. We spoke of vacuum pumps to assist in resolving the problem, plus more fundamental suggestions including adult toys, magazines, short films and contraception to aid the problem. I did mention that I had been thinking of trying a little blue pill where, in the strongest terms, told me if I tried them I would probably not see the night out and to leave such things OUT - OUT - OUT.
One of the biggest contributors to impotence is guilt, embarrassment and shame, all of which are totally out of place in such cases and once that gets through, the battle has moved towards resolution for apart from the huge amounts of medication we are all on, a good diet, a good sleep pattern and a sympathetic partner with the knowledge that there are many ways of resolving most problems, it just takes a bit of imagination and a willingness to learn.
Is very hard when one partner still wants too and the other just can't, if you love each other enough will get through this
Biso is the problem. Within a week of starting I then ..couldn't start lol. Horrible drug for me. Stopped taking it.
it’s good to discuss all subjects associated with heart disease and nobody should feel embarassed
I am on bisoprolol (2.5mg am & pm) as well as amlodipine and warfarin.
I can get the inklings of an erection but can’t maintain it nor is it as hard as before.
I contacted my cardiologist but only raised a concern with the amount of the high blood pressure meds and not the ED.
My GP merely prescribed a bigger dose of viagra, the lower dose worked when I was only on bisoprolol.
I feel that adding amlodipine is the culprit.
I miss having a good erection.
As others have said mention this to your GP. I started to develop an issue involving ED & as soon as I started to talk about this with my GP he immediately told me that it was due to taking Bisoprolol (I’m on 10mg daily).
I’ve now been prescribed Sildenafil with no obvious side effects & I have noticed a considerable improvement compared to activity without the tablet.
Prior to taking Sildenafil my testosterone was checked & that was normal.
All the best & hope you get this sorted.