A frequent query is about the effect of pills and how one might interact with another. The usual advice is to read the leaflet and check with one's pharmacist or GP. On occasion I've suggested that Googling and consulting authoritative websites should also be considered, as I wonder to what extent even a health professional can be aware of all the effects of countless combinations.
I've mentioned before how my heart surgeon and GP disagreed about whether I should take one product. It turned out that the GP was correct, but initially she prescribed something that every authority warned was not ideal. I've also recounted how one nutritionist friend has given me NINE sales talks for a popular supplement that I would need to be very careful with.
Ever since my heart op, I've spent a lot of time researching the interaction of pills, when to take them and when not to take them. I take two popular vitamins that seem to be safe and a supplement (now on prescription) that can lead to problems.
I've just bought a very popular vitamin which, my research suggested, seems to be the only supplement that might alleviate one condition. I Googled again, and this time found that it could give a false low reading in a very specific blood test.
I've almost got to the stage of drawing up a chart to list all the possibilities!
At the risk of appearing immodest, I have decades of experience to an academic level of researching facts - and fallacies - and analysing their veracity , though not in a medical context.
It's all very confusing ... 😮💨