Has anyone had a higher than normal heart rate. To high for there body to handle and it just stayed higher, what was the outcome and what did the cardiologist advise to help this? For weeks my heart rate has been to high for body and it can tell it's higher than usual, chest is heavy and pounding and I feel exhausted with it.
Does this happen where you heart rate just goes higher out of the blue and stays that way ? I'm in shock has I felt absolutely fine heart wise, never had problems then it just started one night.
My ECG heart rate was 97 with some missed beats the cardiologist said! I explained that even though it's not over 100 my body knows it's elevated, he understood right away and ordered a heart monitor and he's going to do the ultrasound scan of my heart when I see him end of the week along with the results from the heart monitor my chest X ray was normal and blood work so far.