Higher heart rate after AVR, is it go... - British Heart Fou...

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Higher heart rate after AVR, is it going to go back to normal?

cristinap profile image
8 Replies

Hi all,

It’s been almost 3 weeks since my AVR and I have been walking every day, doing my steps and trying to keep active, and thankfully things seem to be ok - there’s the occasional bad pain day and tiredness in the evening but I can’t complain.

I got a Fitbit when I found out I needed the op to monitor heart rate and for the 6 months leading to the op my resting heart rate has been around 65 bpms and since the op it’s in the high 70s with a min of 75 bpms and I’m wondering if anybody experienced this before and whether your resting HR went back to normal after a while - for me 75-80 bpms seems very high for resting HR.

I’ll make sure to ask all these questions next time I see my cardio or during the 6 weeks post-op check-up but I thought someone might have the answer at hand!



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8 Replies
JJL15 profile image

Hi Cristina,

3 weeks after your AVR and you sound like your doing amazingly well! Are you on any meds? Tbh I don’t know if I had the same but it felt like my heart was fluttering a lot after my surgery but didn’t know what my resting heart rate was as I didn’t have a Fitbit then but I do now :-) I was on beta blockers initially but finally came off them about 6months later which helped I think. My advice to you is don’t rush back to work or doing anything to strenuous, listen to your body it knows best. If you get the chance to do cardiac rehab programme I totally recommend it, I did it for 6wks and helped me feel loads better and gave me something to do whilst I was recovering as you are limited. Where did you have your AVR done? I had mine done at 28 too (6yrs ago now) my sister (30) also had hers done 6months after me. I had mine done on 19th June and I remember worrying about Hayfever and sneezing but I honestly don’t know how I managed to not sneeze once during the first 9wks! I did sleep sitting up for a long time because of the pressure on my chest I used a pregnancy pillow lol! Hope your feeling good and don’t overdo it :-)

cristinap profile image
cristinap in reply to JJL15


Thank you so much for your reply! I had my biological AVR done in London at Barts and couldn’t be more thankful to the whole team there starting with the surgeons and the ICU and HDU teams to the ward team, everybody has been really amazing and supportive and helped so much. Unfortunately, my op took about 5h and when I came out I was bleeding too much - as I was told after- and they had to take me back in to clear the bleeding so I was completely out of it for the first couple days but recovered very well after. I’m only taking paracetamol and sometimes codeine for pain and aspirin for 3 months and iron every day for 3 months as my haemoglobin levels are really low since the bleeding.

At first it was really weird as I was feeling my heart beat like crazy when I was sitting still which was uncommon for me with my severe aortic stenosis but I got used to it, it’s just my resting HR which freaks me out a bit as I don’t understand if it will ever go down to my usual levels!

Thanks again for the encouraging message!


cristinap profile image
cristinap in reply to JJL15

Forgot! :)

I am going to enroll in the cardiac rehab at my local hospital in London as Barts contacted them when I was there and they just contacted me to invite me to the rehab sessions! Apparently I have to wait the 6 weeks before joining but am really looking forward to doing a bit more than walking!!

As for taking time off from work, I discussed 8 weeks with them at the beginning, I have a desk job so I thought I might not need more, but I discussed it with my GP and they mentioned if I need more to just ask. I’ll try to see if I can work from home the days I have my cardiac rehab and take it from there... I’m a bit afraid of getting really down if I stay home for too long... what was your experience?

Thanks again!


Stevegg profile image

I don't have fitbit so don't monitor as regularly as you do but I know that when I used to check my blood pressure and resting heart rate it used to be about 70 - 72 but recently I have noticed it is regularly nearer 80 - I had my replacement tissue aortic valve at the end of August 2017 and have now returned to the gym - my blood pressure has gone down but not my resting heart rate. I have not spoken to my gp or cardiologist (not that I see him anymore!)

cristinap profile image
cristinap in reply to Stevegg


Thanks for your reply! Mine went up about 10 bpm after op as well, I’ll ask the cardio team when I see them in a month and will post a reply here maybe it’s helpful!


JJL15 profile image

Yes they really are fantastic I had mine done at Hammersmith and couldn’t have received better care. Sounds like a nightmare having to go back in after already been operated on but at least you wasn’t aware at the time 😊 mine took longer as the valve was slightly too small so had to work their magic to accommodate the new valve. It should settle I would imagine but maybe worth mentioning to your cardiologist at your 6wk follow up app or sooner if your really worried. Oooh yes that’s the one I did through the NHS. I had 11wks off and was then back on reduced hours for a month or so. I too had an office job but had a slight journey in by car. I didn’t get too down during my recovery as I was still living at home so there was always someone there but If I were to say I was down it was more at the beginning getting frustrated not being able to wash and blow dry my hair or get plate out of the cupboard. But your prob past that stage now I hope. Whilst I was recovering I did make sure I went out and about even if it was just to the shops or lunch out with friends. I did however have the World Cup, Wimbledon and also I ended up binge watching boxsets! So kinda make the most of it before you end up back at work like it never even happened 😁

wiltsgirl profile image

Hi cristinap, welcome to the forum. I didn't have a AVR but a triple bypass in March, I too notices a steep increase in heart beat a couple of days after the Op, it went up from around 65 before to nearly 80 after, it can go up to 100 normal resting. I could also feel my head beating, heard it in my ears at night and felt it in my chest. When I questioned this on the ward the nurses monitored me closely but said that the beat levels were normal. They also said that your heart has gone through major trauma and will need time to settle. Fortunately it did calm down about six weeks later, I am sure this will happen but speak to your GP or other health professionals. Best of Luck x

cristinap profile image
cristinap in reply to wiltsgirl


I’m really glad it went back to normal after 6 weeks for you, I’m hoping it will be the case for me as well, I’ll keep on monitoring and check with cardiologist and GP just to be sure!

Thanks for the reply!


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